▲ Photography By Yu Space
Cháo酒店位于西双版纳告庄的地标性建筑——孔雀城。设计过程中,我们充分尊重项目所在地的地理环境和建筑本身的条件,并以“梦剧场”为主题,采用极简且不失摩登的设计手法,重新诠释了现代主义的包豪斯精神,为这座边境之城的度假场景增添了更加丰富的层次与魅力。Located in the iconic building of Peacock City in Gaozhuang, Xishuangbanna, Cháo Life & Hotel was designed under the theme of a “dream theater” with respect for the local geography and architecture. Blending minimalism with modernity, the hotel reinterprets the Bauhaus spirit of modernism and enriches the vacation experience of this border city with a multi-layered charm.▲ Photography By Here SpaceThe Lobby | The Curtain Rises▲ Photography By Here Space步入酒店的瞬间,大幕就此拉起——简约的线条与鲜明的色块相互交织,在光与影的交错下,人们仿佛走入了电影中的场景,沉醉于复古与现代交织的独特氛围中。As guests enter the hotel, the curtain rises—simple lines and vivid color blocks intertwine, bathed in the interplay of light and shadow, as if creating a cinematic atmosphere where vintage and modern elements fuse.▲ Photography By Here Space▲ Photography By Yu Space树瘤饰面上自然形成的纹理与爱尔兰绿石材流动的曲线相得益彰,在art-deco风格的现代秩序中挥洒下肆意与自由,让人们在暧昧的灯光中就此放下紧绷,进入度假的频道。The texture of the natural wood burl on the decorative surface complements the curves of Irish green stone, crafting a harmonious aesthetic. Within this Art Deco-inspired modern design, a sense of freedom and spontaneity prevails. The soft, ambient lighting invites guests to relax and shift smoothly into a vacation mood.▲ Photography By Yu Space▲ Photography By Here Space走廊上精心布置了多种风格的艺术作品,仿佛步入一座画廊,将原本略显单调的行走路径变得趣味横生。The hallways are adorned with thoughtfully selected artworks of various styles, turning the otherwise mundane walk into an inspiring gallery experience.▲ Photography By Here Space▲ Photography By Yu Space▲ Photography By Here Space▲ Photography By Yu Space每间客房如同一个独特的梦境。推开房门,自由布局的空间完美诠释了包豪斯精神中“形式追随功能”的黄金法则。摩登的色彩搭配与复古的室内细节从理性中迸发活力,创造出令人愉悦的多巴胺氛围。软装设计既包含对经典家具的全新色彩演绎,也融入了量身定制的原创设计,展现出和谐之美。Each guest room resembles a private dreamscape. Upon entering, the free-flowing layout adheres to the Bauhaus principle of “form follows function”. The modern colors and vintage interior details come together in a way that leaps from rationality into delight, sparking a burst of dopamine. In terms of soft furnishings, modern classic furniture is interpreted with fresh color, and custom-made designs are tailored to the style of each space.▲ Photography By Yu Space特别设计的阳台与泡池是这一空间的点睛之笔,住客可以在此俯瞰澜沧江,将无垠的江景尽收眼底。“江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰”——酒店的现代摩登设计仿佛在编织一场既超然又令人难忘的梦境。The specially arranged balcony and private pool are highlights of the room, offering breathtaking views of the Lancang River. Guests can indulge in the boundless scenery, evoking the poetic imagery of "The river winds gracefully around fragrant meadows, the moonlit flowers shimmer like graupel." The hotel’s modern design creates an ethereal and unforgettable dreamscape that seems to have no end.▲ Photography By Here Space▲ Photography By Yu Space剧院的概念从室内延伸至户外,简约摩登的灯箱文字宛如电影开场前出现的字幕,以直观的方式点题并激发人们的情绪。The theater concept extends from the indoors to the outdoor spaces. The letter-shape modern lightboxes, with minimalist design, look like the opening credits of a film, instantly evoking emotions in a thematic manner.▲ Photography By Yu Space▲ Photography By Here Space结合赛博朋克美学的座椅设计与灯光效果,共同打造出一个具有强烈视觉冲击力的云端剧场。片刻间将人拉入一场宏大的觥筹交错之梦,同时也为独处者提供了在喧嚣中享受宁静的机会。With seating inspired by cyberpunk aesthetics and dramatic lighting effects, the terrace is transformed into a striking theater under the clouds. In an instant, guests are immersed in a grand, dreamlike spectacle of celebration and revelry. Yet, it also provides a tranquil space for those seeking solitude amidst the vibrancy.Project Location|Gaozhuang, Xishuangbanna, ChinaDesign Firm|Funs Creative Design ConsultantDesign Services|Space Design, Soft Décor Design, Original Prop DesignFurniture Design|CHIC HomeLighting Design|Oway LightingProject Photography|Yu Space Photography, Here Space方糖空间设计顾问设计创始人/设计总监
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