生活主张,对于我们来说奢侈且遥远但我们还是希望用景观营造为生活衍生出几分自然让空间与人形成一个舒服自在的关系在地性承载土地的记忆与精神传承让人们从原来单一的生活中跳脱出来繁忙之余仍能拥有度假般的闲情自在感知慢生活Life advocates, for us Extravagant and remoteBut we still want to use the landscapeGive life a bit of natureMake space with peopleForm a comfortable relationshipLocality carries the memory and spiritual inheritance of the landTo get people out of their single livesYou can still have the leisure of a holiday when you are busySlow perceptual life 第四代住宅之于我们,不仅需要了解人类刚性需求的转变,还涉及到环境 | 生态 | 低碳 | 可持续 | 共生。整体的住房拥有垂直绿化的方式,将传统的居住模式与现代的科技相融合。For us, the fourth-generation housing not only needs to understand the change of rigid human needs, but also involves the environment | ecology | low carbon | sustainable | symbiosis. The whole house has a vertical greening approach, combining traditional living patterns with modern technology. ▲第一代住宅到第四代住宅的演变 第四代住宅,每层拥有室外延伸的户外院落空间,强调架空层在整个大场景中的串联性。故整体考虑之初,从第四代住宅的维度,将建筑与景观场景融为一体,室内外景观延续与串联。每层垂直绿化的景观空间与建筑呼应,在居住效果上让每层都有院落感受,而架空层的绿化延伸与渗透,则将大区景观作为自然客厅,与架空层交相辉映。The fourth generation of the house, each floor has outdoor extended outdoor courtyard space, emphasizing the series of elevated levels throughout the large scene. Therefore, at the beginning of the overall consideration, from the dimension of the fourth generation of houses, the architecture and landscape scenes are integrated, and the indoor and outdoor landscapes continue and connect. The vertical green landscape space of each floor echoes the building, making each floor feel like a courtyard in terms of living effect, while the green extension and penetration of the elevated floor will take the regional landscape as a natural living room and complement the elevated floor. 整体设计理念,融入宜兴在地文化,以自然生态地貌为空间线索,将在地元素的“溪流、湖泊、岛屿及绿洲”等生态肌理,融入场地之中,搭建生态景观基地,串联绿色建筑空间与生活场景。通过自然地貌变化,构建从城市到自然的生态场景,构建可持续性的生态体系,演绎休闲放松探索的生活意境。The overall design concept, integrated into Yixing local culture,Using natural ecological landforms as spatial clues,The "streams, Lakes, Islands and oases" of the Earth elementAnd other ecological textures, integrated into the site,Build an ecological landscape base,Connect green building space and living scene.Through natural changes in the landscape,Construct ecological scenes from the city to the nature,Building sustainable ecosystems,Interpret the life conception of leisure and relaxation exploration. 通过不同视觉元素和自然体验,将场景形成水中浮岛,诠释一种独有的宜兴自然基底,场地兼具私密感、仪式感和松弛感,以及在有限的空间里拥有更多的生活可能性。Through different visual elements and natural experience, the scene is formed into a floating island in the water, interpreting a unique Yixing natural base, the site has a sense of privacy, ritual and relaxation, and has more life possibilities in a limited space. 浮岛水院,给人回家以尊享感与尊贵感,全景式视野交织着绿意,酒店感触手可及。场地宁静的氛围,酒店式半室内空间的营造,延伸空间的沉浸感,统一的色调营造使人沉浸于此,水景·叠瀑·植被与空间“相濡以沫”,提供更多画面空间。The floating island water courtyard gives people a sense of privilege and dignity when they go home. The panoramic view is intertwined with greenery, and the hotel feeling is within reach. The quiet atmosphere of the venue, the creation of hotel-style semi-indoor space, the immersion of the extended space, and the unified tone creation make people immersed in it, and the waterscape, waterfalls, vegetation and space are "in harmony", providing more picture space. 简洁的景观表皮与纤细的上木呼应选用姿态各异的乌桕打造既通透又灵性的上层空间营造与自然互动的的亲切氛围早樱、枫树兼顾春、秋季观赏点丰富季相变化,保证花园的四季趣味性香樟、香橼等乡土树种补足绿量本地植物与季相丰富的植物搭接交织成一片充满变化的植物小生态圈The simple landscape skin responds to the slender upper woodUse different posture of Chinese tallowThe upper space is both transparent and spiritualCreate a friendly atmosphere to interact with natureEarly cherry and maple trees are both spring and autumn viewing pointsRich seasonal changes, ensure the garden four seasons of interestLocal tree species such as camphor and citron make up the green amountNative plants overlap with seasonal plantsIntertwine into a small ecosystem of plants full of change 为了适应一年中不同的微气候,种植方案在整个场地中不尽相同。下木打造以森系氛围为主又不乏细节的花境充斥,创造出多样性的花园空间,带来了丰富的空间感官。In order to adapt to different microclimates throughout the year, planting schemes vary throughout the site. Shimoki creates a forest atmosphere with no shortage of details, creating a variety of garden Spaces, bringing a rich sense of space. 龟甲冬青、大叶黄杨球、金森女贞、矮蒲苇等作为结构类植物,确保四季景观的稳定性。狐尾天门冬、富贵蕨、银姬小蜡、蓝雪花、金叶石菖蒲、一叶兰、绣球、大吴风草、玉簪等作为过渡,形成高矮搭配、疏密对比有致的主要观赏面,同时尝试使用了细叶芒和阔叶象耳芋类植物,跳脱出一些自然野趣元素,植物垂直向的快速生长,为下方空间提供阴凉和斑驳的光线,自然主义的创造,为场地带来了阳光与温暖。As structural plants, such as tortoiseshell Holly, Buxus macrophylla, Ginson Ligustrum and Pygaspis, they ensure the stability of the landscape in all seasons. Fox tail Asparagus, silver fern, silver leaf wax, blue snowflake, gold leaf calamus, orchid, hydrangea, Dawuensis, hosta, etc., as a transition, to form a combination of tall and short, dense contrast of the main ornamental surface, while trying to use fine leaf awns and broad-leaved yam plants, jump out of some natural wild elements, plants grow rapidly in the vertical direction. Providing shade and dappled light to the space below, the naturalistic creation brings sunshine and warmth to the site. 总平面图 项目信息项目名称|栖氿云璟苑业主单位|宜兴市城市发展投资有限公司代建单位|上海东原睿建建设管理有限公司景观设计|魏玛设计成都公司建筑设计|上海成执建筑设计有限公司室内设计|上海艾迪格建筑设计咨询有限公司项目地址|江苏 宜兴开放时间|2024.10景观面积|6600㎡摄影团队|IAM岸木摄影