Wuto-mills by Wutopia Lab | 陶书局——一个跟陶瓷有关的书店

文摘   2025-01-22 17:02   新加坡  

"All the things you are not willing to do, I am willing to try them all."


Yu Ting 

2024 年 10 月,Wuto-mills by Wutopia Lab 设计的陶书局在宜兴陶二厂文化街区正式落成开放。
In October 2024, Ceramic Pages, designed by Wuto-mills by Wutopia Lab was officially inaugurated and opened to the public in Yixing Creative & Cultural Ceramic Avenue (CCCA).


CCCA was converted from the site of the former Zisha Second Factory. After undergoing a transformation from a traditional industrial factory to a creative and cultural avenue, it has now become a world tourist destination focusing on the dissemination of contemporary ceramic culture. 

园区鸟瞰图©CreatAR Images

紫砂门厅©CreatAR Images

The proprietor hoped to create two landmarks in this avenue, one is UCCA Clay Museum designed by Kengo Kuma, and the other is a bookstore related to ceramics cooperated with the brand Duoyun Bookstore, named Ceramic Pages.

紫砂门厅©CreatAR Images

During the communication with the client, the design team was touched by the artist’s saying that “making pots is like being a man”. Thus, we applied this to the design as the theme. As it is a theme, we had to establish a plot, which was the three stages of making purple clay teapots. The first is clay preparation and shaping, the second is kilning, and the third is the final stage —— becoming a teapot. Clay, cave, and wonderland represent the three stages respectively, which symbolize the three phases of being a man: training, testing, and sublimation.

元素示意图©Wutopia Lab

剖面图©Wutopia Lab

Chapter One: Clay Preparation and Shaping

一层空间紧扣 “炼泥与制坯” 展开,它既是陶器制作的开篇序曲,也是人生修行的起步台阶。空间精细划分为炼泥、打泥、塑形三个区域,清晰展现陶器从原始材料逐步蜕变至雏形的关键轨迹。土黄色铺陈整个空间,深浅渐变,恰似一幅画卷徐徐展开无序到有序、模糊至清晰、柔软向坚硬的转化,书架与空间形态默契配合,悄然隐喻人从懵懂迷茫迈向坚定成熟的成长之路。
The ground floor is closely related to “clay preparation and shaping”, which is not only the beginning of the production of pottery, but also the first step in the cultivation of life. the space is finely divided into three areas, preparation, tenderizing, and shaping, clearly demonstrating the key processes of pottery from primitive materials to embryonic form. The earthy yellow spreads over the whole space, with gradual changes from dark to light, like a scroll painting unfolding from disordered to ordered, from blurry to clear, from soft to hard. The bookshelves perfectly match the form of the space, metaphorically representing the growth of a man from innocent and confused to firm and mature. 

陶书局一区©CreatAR Images

陶书局二区©CreatAR Images

We designed a “spout” running through the three floors to connect these spaces, breaking through the roof to introduce the skylight. Thin strip lights seem like skylights shining into the space, this is the shrine in the pot.

壶中日月©CreatAR Images

陶书局三区©CreatAR Images
一层平面图©Wutopia Lab

Chapter Two: Kilning

二层是 “窑烧” 的炽热氛围,咖啡与文创为主要功能,整体风格宛如燃烧的烈焰。火焰红色霸占视野,座位、置物架似被点燃,向上腾跃的火焰由红渐变为蓝,寓意炉火纯青。洞穴式的设计,让人仿若置身炙烤的窑炉,窑烧高温的磨砺,展现压力之下自我完善、超越突破的日常奇迹。
The fiery first floor is functioned as a café and shop. The overall style is like a burning flame. The seats and shelves seem to be ignited, and the upward leap of the flame from red to blue signifies a perfect fire. The cavernous design makes people feel like they are in a kiln with high temperatures, showing the daily miracle of self-improvement and breakthroughs under pressure.

咖啡区©CreatAR Images

文创区©CreatAR Images
二楼室外平台©CreatAR Images

移步室外,沿着红色钢梯拾级而上,便可抵达悬挑 5 米的紫台,远眺UCCA陶艺术馆。这个紫红色的室外平台延续了火的戏剧性走向,整体图形是一轮喷薄而出的巨大太阳,仿若一个光芒四射、万众瞩目的舞台。它承载着聚集人气、促进互动交流的重要功能。
Moving outdoors, the red steel staircase leads to a purple terrace overhanging 5 meters from the building, looking towards UCCA Clay Museum. This outdoor terrace continues the dramatic fire from indoors, and the overall graphic of the floor is a huge sun, like a shining, eye-catching stage. It carries the significant function of gathering popularity and promoting interactive communication.

紫台©CreatAR Images

二层平面图©Wutopia Lab

Chapter three: Becoming a Teapot

进入三层,仿若踏入一片宁静澄澈的 “水之境”,这里代表着 “烧成” 时刻,意味着壶大功告成,亦如同人生历经风雨后迎来成熟与成功。我们用水波纹地坪漆打造出一个波光粼粼的水面,仿佛在壶里的水一样,天花和展廊的架子,在这里会形成像水的涟漪,一层层推开。发光天花好似跟天空联系在一起,它没有水,但仿佛是水,从顶注入到这里,形成壶中水,空间化身为盛满清水的壶。展厅不仅展示精美陶器,更是人生圆满升华的象征,是书舍的精神内核所在。
Entering the third floor, it seems like stepping into a peaceful and clear “water wonderland“, which represents the finished teapot, meaning maturity and success in life after going through storms. Water ripple floor paint was used to create a sparkling water surface as if the water was in the purple clay teapot. The ceiling and the display racks of the gallery form water ripples, pushing away layer by layer. The luminous ceiling seems to be linked with the sky, there is no water, but there is water, injected from the top. The space is incarnated as a teapot full of clear water. The gallery not only displays exquisite pottery but is also a symbol of the perfection and sublimation of life, which is the spiritual core of Ceramic Pages.

展廊©CreatAR Images

画廊©CreatAR Images

VIP厅©CreatAR Images
三层平面图©Wutopia Lab
总平面图©Wutopia Lab

Looking back at the whole design, the purple at the entrance symbolizes the finished purple clay teapot, the subsequent bookstore symbolizes the stage of adobe, the second floor symbolizes the stage of kiln firing in fire. and the third floor is the water in the teapot. There is a spout as I hoped to connect all the floors, but we are architects and we don’t want to be confined to the interior. In the distance, there is the beautiful UCCA Clay Museum, and we convinced the client to create a red leap to echo it. Since the ceramic hanging panels were used on the façade of the entire building, we created a terrace of flames underneath. The impression of “making pots is like being a man” is completely revealed from both indoors and outdoors of Ceramic Pages.

炉火纯青©CreatAR Images

"All the hard training and thinking would turn out to be incredibly easy at the end."


Yu Ting


项目名称 | 陶书局

业主单位 | 宜兴市陶都资产经营管理有限公司

设计公司 | Wuto-mills by Wutopia Lab

主持建筑师 | 俞挺

项目经理 | 穆芝霖

设计团队 | 方晓彬、戴若玙

照明设计 | 张宸露、蔡明洁、尉诗羽

施工图单位 | 江苏万安建筑勘察设计有限公司

施工单位 | 广东裕达建设集团有限公司

项目地点 | 江苏省宜兴市丁蜀镇,中国

项目时间 | 2024.3-2024.10

项目面积 | 2087 平方米

材料 | GRG、彩色微水泥、玻璃、彩色不锈钢、穿孔铝板、木材

项目摄影 | CreatAR Images

Wutopia Lab 由建筑师俞挺和设计师闵而尼创立于上海,是一所以魔幻现实主义,创造日常奇迹的全球本地化先锋建筑设计事务所。Wutopia Lab以复杂系统这种新的思维范式为基础,以上海性和生活性为介入设计的原点,以建筑为工具,从而推动建筑学和社会学进步。曾在2022 The Plan Award中获Honourable Mention,在2022 DFA中获Merit,2021 Architizer A+ Firm Awards中获Special Mention:Best Young Firm,2020 IF Design Award,入选2017、2019、2021年度《安邸AD》AD100榜单,2018年Archdaily评选的a selection of the world’s best Architects,以及Architectural Record 评选的Design Vanguard,是2018年度唯一入选的中国事务所。

Wuto-mills是俞挺创建的Wutopia Lab的副牌。区别在于Lab偏重实验性的原型研究, Mills偏向于用成熟的设计模式或形式来解决实际问题。

Wuto-mills没有学术包袱,相信“建筑即行动”(Architecture is action),以魔幻现实主义以及生活美学积极介入公共空间和商业空间,打破城市,建筑,室内,景观,照明,平面,装置,艺术和媒体的界限。欢乐地粉碎观念的陈词滥调而创造梦想,激励人心,抚慰焦虑以及赋予价值和希望。


监制 | Cindy
编辑 | Mas
策划 | Sansan
授权公司 | Wuto-mills

▼ 延伸阅读

 Wutopia Lab | 玉山岚峰——正大太阳河咖啡小镇艺术中心
  Wutopia Lab 俞挺 | 青丘和白崖
 Wutopia Lab 俞挺 | 寓言和宣言——西岸漩心
 Wutopia Lab 俞挺 | 不宇

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