平介设计 | 黄浦江边的风物食集

文摘   2024-10-15 17:01   中国香港  

黄浦江边的风物食集是Under Clouds半山腰餐饮品牌在上海的第二家店,选址为西岸梦中心。餐厅建筑面积728平方米,位于黄浦江边,坐落在始建于1920年、曾是亚洲最大水泥厂的上海水泥厂旧址,从店内望向江畔则是江岸运输码头船坞(梦船坞),也是原上海水泥厂运输水泥的码头。而西岸梦中心的背后,则是近年来蓬勃兴起的上海国际传媒港。曾经的工业遗产如今焕发新生,成为城市商业与文化生活的全新地标。
The project is the second restaurant of the Under Clouds dining brand in Shanghai, located at the West Bund Dream Center. The restaurant spans a total area of 548 square meters, situated along the banks of the Huangpu River, on the site of the former Shanghai Cement Plant, which was established in 1920 and was once the largest cement factory in Asia. From the restaurant, guests can view the riverside transport docks (Dream Dock), which were originally used for shipping cement from the Shanghai Cement Plant. Behind the West Bund Dream Center lies the rapidly developing Shanghai International Media Port. This former industrial heritage has been revitalized, transforming into a new landmark for urban commerce and cultural life.

建筑立面© Icy


From the cliff to the dock, we carry forward the "simplicity" of the mountain, using the strength of rammed earth, wood, stone, red bricks, and concrete to create a hospitable riverside. Every drop of water flowing upstream from the Jinsha River rushes toward the estuary of the Huangpu River. From Yunnan (the upper reaches of the Yangtze River) to Shanghai (the estuary of the Yangtze River), we inherit a rich legacy that merges the "abundance" of nature with culinary delights. As we trace our roots, we also move forward. This is our vision for the "Under Clouds" location at the West Bund Dream Center in Shanghai.

建筑立面© Icy

Along the riverside promenade, with the gentle breeze from the Huangpu River, the store is adjacent to the riverside transport docks, while also resonating with the nearby Qiantan CBD. From the outset of the design, we drew inspiration from the brand's story and the site's history, aiming to create a dialogue that transcends both time and distance. We sought to weave the cultural essence of Yunnan with the historical atmosphere of the West Bund in Shanghai, integrating the sounds of the waves into the dining experience, thus unveiling the "Under Clouds" restaurant at the West Bund Dream Center.

从餐区看向风物区 ©  Icy

In terms of spatial design, we constructed a multi-layered space that conveys a sense of "abundance," breaking the boundaries between retail and dining areas to accommodate a variety of business forms. We defined a historical axis centered around the shipyard and a landscape axis that enhances the riverside experience. The historical axis connects the semi-private indoor areas, the cultural zone, and the old shipyard, facilitating a dialogue across time and space. This dialogue is based on the interplay of culture and cuisine (from Yunnan to the culinary collection in Shanghai), while the landscape axis visually connects the dining area with the riverside scenery.

材料细部 © Icy

材料运用上,我们思考上海的底色是人与钢筋混凝土森林背后都市的故事,而云南的则是人与大自然共生的状态。在黄浦江畔翻新后的水泥厂的“梦中心” ,我们期望在一个水泥建造的盒子里,用自然与半工业化的语言建构一个独特的就餐体验空间。
In our material choices, we considered that Shanghai's essence lies in the stories of people behind the concrete jungle, while Yunnan embodies a state of coexistence with nature. At the "Dream Center," renovated from the old cement factory along the Huangpu River, we aim to construct a unique dining experience within a concrete box, using a language that blends natural and semi-industrial elements.

户外就餐区 © 王尚

通过自然材料的工业(在地)化演绎,由水泥厂与云南餐厅两个场域提取两种原生主材:水泥,红土。两种材料经过工厂加工后得到:混凝土 、红砖,作为贯穿整体空间的主要材料。在餐区以红砖为主混凝土为辅,在风物区以混凝土为主红砖为辅,回应主题半生不熟,即材料和食材一样,都需要在地加工完成,隐喻一个来到大城市生活的云南人的状态。再基于不同的空间属性,在局部和软装上结合不同的原始自然材料和绿植。
Through the industrial (local) interpretation of natural materials, we extracted two primary raw materials from both the cement factory and the Yunnan restaurant: cement and red earth. After processing in the factory, these materials yield concrete and red bricks, which serve as the main materials throughout the space. In the dining area, red bricks are predominant, complemented by concrete, while in the cultural zone, concrete takes precedence with red bricks as a secondary element. This reflects the theme of being "half-cooked," symbolizing that, like materials and ingredients, everything requires local processing—an analogy for the experience of Yunnan people living in a big city. Additionally, we incorporated various original natural materials and greenery in localized areas and soft furnishings.

户外就餐区 © 王尚

For the outdoor space, we used concrete bricks, red bricks, and stones, with the landscape emphasizing the wild growth of nature, giving an untamed feel to the outdoors. The facade of the Under Clouds restaurant replaces the original floor-to-ceiling windows and dark green stone with "red concrete panels," making the restaurant stand out in the neighborhood with vitality. Touching the walls reveals the strength of natural materials; when sunlight hits the walls in the morning, the texture is enhanced by light and shadow, presenting different layers. At various times of the day, sunlight casts reflections of the landscape onto the walls, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow on the facade of the Under Clouds restaurant.

风物区 ©  Icy

风物区材料上采用混凝土多,红砖少,结合耐候钢的金属感,增添零售的精致感。作为Under Clouds半山腰餐饮品牌第一家引入风物零售+餐饮的店,设计之初我们就考虑在轴线上和原有码头船坞联系,在空间地域和时间上对话,因而风物零售空间与就餐区中间的空间流线旋转了45°。而风物区作为一个带有展销属性的空间,将吧台作为开放式的岛台,可以让每一个顾客以参与制作食物的方式进入餐厅,同时在这个过程当中去了解品牌,了解云南,丰富了就餐形式,也将温度赋予了空间。
In the cultural zone, we predominantly used concrete with less red brick, combining it with weather-resistant steel for a touch of sophistication. As the first Under Clouds restaurant to introduce a cultural retail + dining concept, we designed the space to connect with the original dock, facilitating a dialogue across spatial and temporal dimensions. Consequently, the flow of space between the cultural retail area and the dining zone is rotated by 45 degrees. The cultural area, designed as an exhibition and sales space, features an open island bar, allowing every customer to engage in food preparation, while simultaneously learning about the brand and Yunnan, enriching the dining experience and adding warmth to the space.

风物展览区 ©  Icy 
风物区细部 © lcy   

The materials used in the main dining area include more red bricks with less concrete, combined with wooden furniture to create a cozy dining atmosphere. The dining area is divided into an outdoor open dining area, an indoor open dining area, and an indoor semi-private dining area. At the entrance, we created a modern communal table to transition between the cultural zone and the dining area. The communal feast is a common gathering form among the ethnic minority villages in Yunnan. Whenever there is an important ceremony or a need to entertain guests in the village, a communal feast is held, symbolizing the Under Clouds restaurant's appreciation for every guest.

入口长桌 © 王尚
开放用餐区 ©  Icy
入口长桌 © Icy  
用餐区细节 ©  王尚

As the open dining area transitions to the semi-private dining area, we used suspended red bricks to create partitions. The staggered arrangement of the hanging red bricks resembles dancing musical notes, infusing the dining space with dynamism and playfulness. It gives the entire environment a light and rhythmic ambiance. By raising the ceiling in certain areas, we created unique dining spaces that encourage visual interaction among guests. The ceiling features GRC wood-patterned concrete, designed as a "primitive wooden hut" using modern language. Landscape plants are arranged along the walls, using the scents of materials and ingredients to immerse diners in the rustic atmosphere of Yunnan.

开放用餐区 ©  Icy 

半私密用餐区 ©  Icy

砖块细节 ©  Icy

The private dining rooms feature concrete floors and red earth walls. The use of red rammed earth returns to the essence of bricks, employing a technique of deconstruction, reorganization, and reconstruction to conclude the story of the "Under Clouds" restaurant at the West Bund Dream Center. The wooden ceiling and lighting create a relaxed atmosphere for group dining.

包间 © 王尚    

The lighting team has adjusted the "light environment" to suit different dining scenarios based on weather, time of day, and time of year. Whether it's for a formal meal, a leisurely afternoon tea, or a casual evening cocktail, diners can enjoy their experience in a comfortable atmosphere. 

半山腰运营团队 © Icy

The Under Clouds brand, originating from Yunnan, promotes a lifestyle centered around authentic natural cuisine, providing a relaxing dining experience. The design team also consists of designers from Yunnan who have traveled the world and settled in the Yangtze River Delta region. We embody the "half-cooked" state of Yunnan ethnic minorities arriving in the big city, trying to bring the naive state of "mountain people" emerging from the depths of the mountains into this space. In contrast to the sophistication of other stores in the Dream Center, we have chosen a "semi-industrial" approach to highlight the "half-processed" state of the original and authentic culture in a highly developed city, aiming to construct a new culinary experience that blends urban and rural elements.


平面图 © 平介设计    
轴测图 © 平介设计

项目名称 | 黄浦江边的风物食集
项目类型 | 室内设计
项目设计 | 2024.01-2024.06
完成年份 | 2024.08
项目策划与管理 | 张本盛,倪文明,木木
项目地址 | 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2266号
建筑面积 | 728㎡

平介设计 | 李宗键,李筱葳,王蕴伟,张莹,吴江,吴斯,李宣亚,李若妍
苏州大学 | 杨楠,肖湘东
软装设计 | 苏州同采环境艺术设计有限公司 (徐飞,宋颖)
照明设计 | 北京光舍光度照明设计有限公司(韦绍博,陈琳玉
园艺设计 | 苏州市匠行花艺设计有限公司(谢俊溪
施工方 | 上海领城建筑装饰工程有限公司(廖承忠,张曾成

外立面GRC挂板 素造建筑
包间仿夯土艺术涂料 inlabism研何
摄影版权 | Icy,王尚
客户 | 半山腰

平介设计(Parallect Design)于2017年成立于荷兰,是一家立足于长三角和荷兰的多元化设计工作室。我们是一个广义设计的小组,建筑规划是我们切入市场的主力,同时我们介入空间、室内、景观、平面、展示等设计项目。我们认为“设计”“策划”“方案”这些词其实都是同义词,目的就是“通过设计策略解决一个具体问题”。设计团队拥有不同的教育和工作背景,并希望在这样多元文化背景相互融合冲击的工作氛围中,不断打破设计的“传统”。针对不同环境下设计的问题, 提出富有实验精神的设计思路。我们追随使用者的平行视角,介入设计,强调空间的实际体验。着眼设计艺术性、功能性、经济性的同时,不断挖掘空间潜能和使用者的潜在需求。我们也鼓励多方的讨论和合作伙伴的积极参与,共同完成更有价值的设计。

监制 | Cindy
编辑 | Jenny
策划 | Sansan
授权公司 | 平介设计

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