Zara限时店选址上海繁华忙碌的安福路,它的亮相为这条街道注入了更多新鲜活力。此前,AIM恺慕建筑设计事务所已在该街区完成了一系列零售项目,包括标志性的首家HARMAY話梅美妆店、HARMAY話梅坊、introlemons茶饮店、Klee Klee以及Short Sentence。通过这一最新力作,AIM继续助力安福路零售业的繁荣景象,将都市活力与创新设计完美融合。Located on the bustling street of Anfu Lu, Zara pop-up store enriches a neighborhood already activated by AIM Architecture’s previous retail projects, including the first iconic HARMAY store, HARMAY Fang, Introlemons, Klee Klee and Short Sentence. With this latest addition, AIM continues to shape the dynamic retail landscape of Anfu Lu, merging urban energy with innovative design.Zara安福路限时店以大胆创新的方式重塑零售形象,将当代美学与品牌前瞻精神融为一体。AIM以匠心精神,捕捉Zara快速、动态的品牌形象,同时为顾客带来引人入胜且高度灵活的购物体验。Zara pop-up store embodies a bold reimagining of retail, blending contemporary aesthetics with the brand's forward-thinking ethos. AIM Architecture crafted the space to capture Zara's fast-paced, dynamic identity, while offering an inviting and highly flexible shopping experience.店铺巧妙划分为三个相互连接的独特区域,在保持整体设计连贯性的同时,精彩呈现多个不同系列的产品。Divided into three distinct yet interconnected zones, the store showcases various collections while maintaining a cohesive design throughout.一层重点展示Zara的精选系列与联名系列,确保顾客每次光临都能收获新鲜有趣的购物体验。定制设计的展陈装置和精心策划的艺术装置中,展示着Zara的限量版单品和一些为中国市场量身定做的联名系列,为顾客带来一场独特的视觉与触觉之旅。温暖的灰色纹理漆奠定了空间基调,拉丝不锈钢与柔软地毯的细腻质感丰富了顾客的感官体验,营造出沉浸式的独特购物氛围。The first floor is dedicated to Zara's selected collections and collaboration collections ensuring a fresh and engaging experience. Custom-designed fixtures and displays offer a unique visual and tactile journey, showcasing Zara’s limited-edition pieces and some special collection tailored specifically for the Chinese market, in a curated setting. The use of brushed stainless steel, warm grey textured paint, and soft carpet finishes enriches the sensory experience, creating a distinct and immersive atmosphere.二层空间科技感十足,通过“沉浸式”体验展示最新产品系列,交互式LED视频墙让顾客在数字化场景中尽情尝试最新潮流款式。The second zone immerses customers in a tech-savvy environment, featuring interactive LED video walls that bring the latest styles to life in a digitally enhanced setting.此外,二楼还设有一个充满“家”氛围的展厅,营造了一种精致而轻松的氛围。这里展示的是Zara和Zara Home系列产品,空间的设计更具有社交性,邀请顾客在优雅的环境中随性探索品牌更加成熟精致一面。Additionally, this floor features a home-themed showroom, offering a refined and relaxed atmosphere. Here, Zara and Zara Home collections are displayed in a setting designed for social engagement, inviting customers to explore the brand’s sophisticated side in a laid-back yet elegant environment.楼梯不仅作为空间的功能性连接,更是视觉上的焦点,为人们提供了拍照留念的绝佳打卡点,从而提升了空间的整体体验。The staircase, designed as a central connecting object, serves as a visually striking focal point, offering both a functional element and a photo-worthy opportunity, enhancing the overall experience within the space.AIM以简练的手法勾勒空间布局,干净的线条和开放的空间带来了流动性和轻盈感。自然光在反射的表面和透明的材质间流淌,将室内与鲜明的街道紧密连接。AIM Architecture’s minimalist approach grounds the store’s layout, emphasizing clean lines and open spaces that create a sense of flow and lightness. Reflective surfaces and transparent materials enhance the play of natural light, streaming in through large windows and connecting the interior with the vibrant street outside.设计的一大亮点在于其高度的适应性。空间便于重新配置,以适应举办活动、产品发布等各类需求,确保Zara在上海不断变化的零售环境中始终稳占一席之地。定制的模块化衣架和极简的陈列单元为不同系列产品的展示提供了灵活性,同时保持了整体一致性和美观。A key feature of the design is its adaptability. The space is designed to be easily reconfigured for future events or product launches, ensuring Zara remains relevant in Shanghai’s ever-evolving retail landscape. Custom modular shelving systems and minimalist display units provide the flexibility to adapt to different collections while maintaining a cohesive aesthetic.在时尚、艺术和都市生活的交汇点,AIM打造成了一个超越传统零售的空间。精致而优雅、 大胆且实用,Zara安福路限时店有力地体现了品牌在零售业中坚持创新的承诺。In this project, AIM Architecture embraced the intersection of fashion, art, and urban life, transforming the Zara Anfu Lu pop-up into more than just a retail destination. It stands as a testament to Zara’s commitment to innovation in retail, housed in a refined and elegant space that is both bold and functional.
项目名称 | ZARA安福路限时店
业主 | 飒拉商业(上海)有限公司
项目地点 | 上海安福路298弄
设计面积 | 500m2
设计时间 | 2024.06-2024.09
建成时间 | 2024.09
设计范围 | 室内设计&软装,景观,外立面设计
设计总监 | Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf
设计主管 | Marta Pozo
项目负责人 | 赵娜
建筑/室内团队 | 松洁,魏铮,康瑾,王嘉陈,高可昕,Ewa Szajda,杨浩辰
软装团队 | 陈晓雯,松洁
施工团队 | 上海秋元华林建设集团有限公司
道具供应 | 康玛尼奥家具(昆山)有限公司
影音供应 | 昆山特瑞森音响设备有限公司
主要材料 | 不锈钢,实木,地毯,肌理涂料
项目摄影 | ZARA
AIM设计总监、联合创始人、规划师、建筑师、室内设计师。获得阿姆斯特丹建筑和城市规划专业硕士学位和马斯特里赫特(Maastricht)的室内设计专业学位。他曾在中国和欧洲等多个国际著名的设计机构担任室内设计、建筑和城市规划等项目设计,拥有近20年丰富的国际设计经验。AIM设计总监,联合创始人,建筑师,比利时Ghent大学,建筑学硕士。Wendy生于比利时的一个匠人家庭。受工匠精神的耳濡目染加上后天的建筑学教育,她的设计跨界范围很广,从几万平米的城市设计,到中国的街坊,到一把椅子。从大空间里大量铺贴的材料带来的震撼,小到单品上皮革的味道,大,对空间和产品使用者的感官和精神上都产生了极大的影响。Wendy在比利时Ghent建筑大学取得硕士学位后,在荷兰的知名事务所从业十余年,2004年来到中国。温蒂的设计理念直接而有力,又不失有幽默感、美感和大胆。AIM(恺慕)建筑设计,由比利时建筑师Wendy Saunders和荷兰建筑师Vincent de Graaf于2005年共同创立,拥有一支对设计充满激情的国际化团队。AIM的项目范围涵盖综合建筑、室内、及产品设计,在理念和实践中追求高度统一性。AIM总部位于上海,并在比利时安特卫普和美国芝加哥均设有办公室,兼具本土意识与国际视野。我们追求严谨而专注的设计, 聚焦每个项目的独特性。将设计理念融入环境肌理,平衡设计愿景与可操作性间恰到好处的尺度。AIM操刀的空间拥有强烈叙事与高辨识度,大胆、有趣、富有韧性。项目兼顾高度落地性和精致的细节。我们探索每一种材料的可能性,全力以赴地投入每一次创造的热情之中。