时上建筑沈墨 | 筑茧概念BAIQIUJIE服装艺术空间

文摘   2024-12-27 17:03   新加坡  

The project is located at Hangzhou Gate, the central axis of Hangzhou city, and covers a variety of business formats including twin skyscrapers, star-rated hotels, executive residences, headquarters office bases, fashion culture and commerce.


The designer sorted out the brand positioning, extended the design concept and took breaking out of the cocoon into a "shape" as inspiration.



Abandoned the excessive straight lines and edges in the traditional space, and used soft arcs to construct furniture, partitions and space structures, presenting a casual, light and elegant dynamic beauty.


The smooth and soft lines extracted from silkworm cocoons, without any sharp edges and corners, and the curved elements that can be seen everywhere enhance the modern and fashionable sense of the space.


The entire space uses off-white and ivory white, which are similar to silk cocoons, as the main colors. This soft white creates a quiet and comfortable office atmosphere, just like the warm feeling inside a silk cocoon.


The entrance guides visitors into the exhibition hall with soft lines, reflecting the industry's unique affinity and elegance.


In the entire space layout, curves are used to divide different functional areas. Curved partitions are used to separate the beauty display area and the clothing display area. This curved layout not only increases the fluidity of the space, but also breaks the stereotype of the traditional straight line layout and reflects a modern sense of fashion.


The marble countertop is like an extension of the space, creating a pure and elegant atmosphere, making the beauty products stand out more in this atmosphere.


White is used throughout as the main color of the entire office space. Its purity and professionalism are in line with the brand's pure pursuit of design innovation and the professional image it presents to customers.


When light and shadow intertwine, the selection of mirrored glass is like the crystal and changeable surface of a silk cocoon, which gently wraps every moment and every color of the live broadcast and reflects and extends infinitely, creating a mysterious and attractive atmosphere for the entire live broadcast space.


The art gallery and the conference area transition seamlessly, and the large-scale use of natural light allows light to shine into the room through the windows, forming a soft light and shadow effect in the space, just like the hazy and warm light and shadow inside a silk cocoon.


The floor material of the art gallery blends naturally with the border of the water bar area, allowing employees to inadvertently step from the inspiring art atmosphere into the comfortable and cozy water bar area.


The desk is neatly arranged, with smooth lines on the desktop and no redundancy, just like a well-designed fashion item.


The two offices, one black and one white, are like the two poles of yin and yang, opposing yet complementing each other. They interpret the perfect fusion of fashion and space in their own unique ways.


Pure and slightly warm white sets a soothing tone for the bedroom. Every corner exudes a peaceful and warm atmosphere. It is a place for the body and mind to return to after a busy day, and a pure dream where the soul can rest.

Let your thoughts stretch freely in the soft atmosphere, let inspiration emerge, let innovation and efficiency dance together, and start a unique new office journey.



项目名称 | 白秋洁服装办公室

设计内容 室内设计

项目地点 浙江.杭州

设计面积 | 1190

完工时间 | 2024年8月

设计单位 | 杭州时上建筑空间设计事务所

软装设计单位 | 杭州常青陈设室内设计

设计团队 | 沈墨、金志文

软装团队 | 叶帅、方敏芝、古显周

项目摄影 | 瀚墨摄影 叶淼

公司曾获英国安德鲁马丁室内设计奖,香港40 under 40、英国Dezeen Awards、巴黎DNA设计奖、美国IDA金奖、意大利ADESIGN奖、美国MUSE奖铂金奖、台湾六艺奖金奖,台湾金点奖,筑巢奖金奖,亚太空间新锐设计师等众多奖项。曾设计游学法国,意大利,瑞士,美国,日本等国家。参加浙江卫视《全能宅急变》东方卫视《一席之地》节目空间改造。主要建设项目在国内和泰国等多个民宿别墅酒店和会所办公空间设计。设计作品先后被荷兰、美国、韩国、英国、法国、意大利、瑞士等全球各大媒体以及发布以及杂志出版社刊登收录。

监制 | Cindy
编辑 | Mas
策划 | Sansan
授权公司 | 时上建筑

▼ 延伸阅读

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 大麦设计 | 泰隆银行科技软件开发办公室

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