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“之”字大厦 Zigzag Tower
非常建筑类型学分析。无明确使用方的办公楼设计通常被安全、日照等常规因素所左右。在分析了很多办公楼案例之后,我们决定在这个位于郑东新区的高层建筑中采用典型的直线形平面加核心筒结构,同时积极寻找改进的机会。Typological analysis.The design of speculative office towers is usually dictated by sets of conventions such as safety concerns and natural light. The project, a high-rise speculative office tower, is located at the Zhengdong New District in the city of Zhengzhou. After studying various precedents, we decided to accept the prototypical, rectilinear plan with centralized cores as a starting point while looking actively for improvements during the design process.
基地形状。场地的条件恰好提供了改进上述原型的机会:环绕人工湖的一组建筑形成了一个巨大的圆环,作为圆环一部分的场地为带有少许弧度的矩形。我们认为尽管这个弧度很含蓄,但也应该体现出来,于是我们把典型平面的矩形平面变成了“之”字形,从而为原本呈方形的建筑体量增加了一种垂直性。Site geometry.An opportunity for improvement was presented by the site itself—a slightly curved rectilinear parcel that is a part of a monumental ring around an artificial lake. We believe the curvature, however subtle, should be acknowledged and so transformed the rectangular plan into a zigzagged configuration. Such move also added a sense of verticality to an otherwise blocky volume.体形生成分析
平面和空间。“之”字形的折线形成锯齿形平面,提供了更多的阳角空间和更好的视野,使开放空间的感受更像一组小尺度空间的组合。在剖面上,两个核心筒之间设置了一个中庭,两组廊桥穿越其中,这样人们在建筑内部也可以感受到建筑的垂直性以及空间的戏剧性。Floor plan and space.The zigzag configuration offers a floor plan with multiple corners for better views and a sense of spatial aggregation brought by the smaller increments. In sectional design, we devised between the cores an atrium that penetrates all floors and spanned by footbridges so the building's dramatic verticality can be experienced from within.结构体系
结构和经济。我们采用了核心筒+外围密柱的无梁钢筋混凝土结构,空间完全开放、灵活,可以根据需要分隔成不同大小的办公室。无梁结构使我们得以在降低层高的同时保持空间净高,在建筑总高度不变的情况下多做出一层使用空间。Structure and economy.The beam-free, reinforced-concrete structural system with central cores and peripheral columns creates a total open space flexible for further division. Without beams, we were able to reduce the floor height— but not the ceiling height— to include an extra floor within the building height limit.核心筒分析
立面设计。外围的密柱为承重与自然通风的功能相间布置,密柱被设在围护界面之外,进一步加强了建筑的垂直感。我们将柱子在高楼层扭转一定的角度,到低楼层则每两根合为一根,保证低楼层的室内外空间有充分互动。Facade design.Peripheral columns for load bearing and natural ventilation are placed in alternation outside the building enclosure, reinforcing the vertical composition of the volumes. Neighboring columns twist and converge with the descending height for better indoor-outdoor interaction on the lower floors.立面体系