技术部 | VSCode Workshop

学术   2024-11-15 16:46   上海  

VS Code


11/17 16:00-18:00


  • 当你终于结束了matlab课程的学习,进入了c的世界,却发现不知道用什么编辑器写代码。

  • 当你厌倦了冗长的git指令以及简陋的小黑窗,想在更简单,更直接的GUI中完成代码提交,回滚,合并分支。

  • 当你赶due时试图debug却发现无法跨文件调试。

  • 当你安装完插件,却发现没有智能提示和自动补全。

  • When you've finally completed your MATLAB course and stepped into the realm of C programming, only to find yourself uncertain about which editor to use.

  • When you're weary of lengthy Git commands and the bare-bones black terminal, longing for a simpler, more intuitive GUI to handle code commits, rollbacks, and branch merges.

  • When you're racing against a deadline, trying to debug, only to realize you can't debug across multiple files.

  • When you install a plugin, but discover there's no intelligent suggestions or autocomplete features.


欢迎来到vscode workshop!!!



学生会技术部将于11月17日(周日)下午16:00-18:00于龙宾楼325机房举办Vscode workshop。





TechnJI will hold Vscode workshop on November 17th (Sunday) afternoon 16:00-18:00 at LongBin Building 325.

Workshop will introduce the beautification  of vscode, keys, plug-in configuration,  debug configuration and the use of the built-in Git tool, and answer your questions  when configuring the environment and  editor.

Online Conference Number: 431366025,

Feishu link:


What's Vscode

Visual Studio Code(VSCode)是由微软开发的一个免费、开源的代码编辑器。它轻量且功能强大,支持多种编程语言和框架。VSCode集成了终端、远程开发工具、智能代码补全(IntelliSense)、调试工具以及非常丰富的插件。它可高度自定义,允许开发者调整外观、功能和工作流。VSCode可在Windows、macOS和Linux上运行,因其速度快、易用性强和灵活性高,广受开发者喜爱。

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is lightweight yet powerful, with support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. VSCode features an integrated terminal, remote development tools, intelligent code completion (IntelliSense), debugging tools, and extensions for virtually any development need. It is highly customizable, allowing developers to tweak its appearance, functionality, and workflows. Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, VSCode is popular among developers for its speed, ease of use, and flexibility.




  1. 前往官网下载并安装:


  2. 遵循安装向导的提示将Code加入Windows环境变量和右键菜单

  3. 同时,由于某些插件需要Python3以及cmake,建议大家在Workshop之前安装好Python3和cmake。

Before we begin the workshop, I  recommend that everyone install VSCode. Thanks to its lightweight nature, the installation process is quite  straightforward. (For those who have already installed it, please check if you have the latest version; it's advisable for everyone to update to the latest release.)

Installation Process:

  1. Visit the official download page and install VSCode:

  2. Follow the instruction of the installer and add Code to PATH and right-click menu.

  3. Additionally, since some plugins require Python 3 and CMake, I suggest that everyone install Python 3 and CMake before the workshop.


  • Vscode介绍

  • 主题图标配置 

  • JOJ Tools

  • Vscode键位

  • Markdown配置

  • C/CPP插件配置

  • Build & Debug

  • Git Extension

  • formatter配置

  • Github Copilot插件

  • Sonarlint插件

  • Make VScode faster

  • Introduction of Vscode

  • Theme and Icon Configuration

  • JOJ Tools

  • VSCode Keybindings

  • Markdown Configuration

  • C/C++ Plugin Configuration

  • Build & Debug

  • Git Extension

  • fomatter Configuration

  • Github Copilot

  • Sonarlint plugin

  • Make VScode faster


Sign up now!!

本次Workshop采取hybrid模式,同学们可以选择线上或线下参与。(推荐线下参加,届时会有技术部同学线下进行trouble shooting,并可以获取神秘贴纸)。没有安装过Vscode的同学请预先根据教程安装好Vscode。技术部欢迎大家的到来。

This workshop adopts hybrid mode, students can choose to participate online or offline. (It is recommended to participate offline, there will be students from the Technology Department to do trouble shooting offline, and you can get mysterious stickers). If you have not installed Vscode before, please install Vscode in advance according to the tutorial. TechJI welcomes your attendence.





For JIers\x26#39; brighter future. 上海交通大学密院学生会公众平台。秉持着文化为基,能力驱动,联通谋合的理念,我们立志成为一个长期服务于密院学子需求、致力于促进密院学子全面发展的热爱驱动型学生组织。