卡内基梅隆大学 Hebert 院长东京见面会
CMU Tokyo Event with Dean Hebert
日本标准时间 2024 年 5 月 16 日 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Wakatake Room (1st Floor) at Meiji Kinenkan
Robots have great potential, especially if they can work outside of controlled environments and move beyond being controlled by just one person. However, the unpredictable nature of the real world means robots need to make smart decisions.
Professor Scherer, who leads CMU's AirLab and contributes to the Field Robotics Center, will present his latest research, "Improving Robots to Navigate Challenging Environments,” and discuss how CMU researchers are making progress in improving robots' ability to sense their surroundings, navigate tough terrain and work together in teams, as well as the future of his research.
Dean Hebert will share updates on Carnegie Mellon's latest partnerships and other recent news.
Special thanks to our proud alumnus Dr. Hideto Tomabechi (DC 1993), who generously sponsored this event and will give closing remarks.
You are kindly invited to a Carnegie Mellon University event and dinner
Martial Hebert
Dean of the School of Computer Science
and University Professor
Sebastian Scherer
Associate Research Professor,
Robotics Institute