「简报」新课程利用人工智能激发创造力;​CMU 的 picoCTF 致力于让网络安全教育更加普及

文摘   2024-07-02 06:30   美国  

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New Course Harnesses AI To Kindle Creativity

卡内基梅隆大学推出了一门新的本科课程“人文人工智能”,旨在探索人工智能如何革新我们对创意表达的理解和互动。该课程由机械工程副教授 Ding Zhao、中文研究教学教授 Gang Liu 以及中文研究兼职讲师 Ting Su 共同设计,分为三个模块:大语言模型与创意写作、生成模型与艺术表达以及人工智能的社会和文化探索。课程旨在从人类视角准备学生迎接人工智能的影响,强调人工智能不仅是一个神奇工具且有其局限性。在期末项目中,学生们开发了一个能够基于卡内基艺术博物馆访客喜好生成定制艺术品的AI生成器。

Carnegie Mellon University has introduced a new undergraduate course, “AI for Humanities,” designed to explore how AI can revolutionize our perception and interaction with creative expressions. The course, co-designed by Ding Zhao (Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering), Gang Liu (Teaching professor of Chinese studies), and Ting Su (Adjunct instructor of Chinese studies), breaks down the complex topic of AI into three modules: large language models and creative writing, generative models and artistic expression, and social and cultural voyages with AI. The course aims to prepare students for the impact of AI from a human perspective, emphasizing that AI is not just a magic tool and has limitations. For the final project, students developed an AI generator that could create a custom art piece based on visitor favorites at the Carnegie Museum of Art.

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CMU 的 picoCTF 致力于让网络安全教育更加普及
CMU’s picoCTF Seeks To Make Cybersecurity Education More Accessible

该项目是卡内基梅隆大学率先开展的项目之一,自 2013 年起向公众开放,并得到了世界各地参与者的参与,包括与日本、加拿大和整个非洲大陆建立了合作伙伴关系。The program started at CMU as one of the first of its kind, has been open to the public since 2013, and has seen engagement around the world, including through partnerships in Japan, Canada, and across the continent of Africa.

卡内基梅隆大学的 picoCTF 是一项免费的在线网络安全竞赛,它让世界各地的学生更容易接受网络安全教育。这项针对初中和高中学生的竞赛,采用类似游戏的挑战来教授网络安全原则。自 2013 年推出以来,picoCTF 已吸引来自 150 个国家的 190,000 多名参与者。竞赛的成功促成了全年学习平台 《picoGym》 和教育工作者资源 《picoCTF Classroom》 的开发。这些倡议是卡内基梅隆大学致力于解决全球网络安全专业人员短缺问题的一部分。

Carnegie Mellon University's picoCTF, a free online cybersecurity competition, is making cybersecurity education more accessible to students around the world. The competition, which is designed for middle and high school students, uses game-like challenges to teach cybersecurity principles. Since its launch in 2013, picoCTF has reached over 190,000 participants from 150 countries. The competition's success has led to the development of picoGym, a year-round learning platform, and picoCTF Classroom, a resource for educators. These initiatives are part of CMU's commitment to addressing the global shortage of cybersecurity professionals.

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Office of International Development


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