作者: Kate Flynn
By Kate Flynn
随着新学年的开始,一代新的 Tartan 学子们踏上了他们的大学旅程。在兴奋与挑战并存的时刻,从那些多年来走过卡内基梅隆大学走廊的人们那里汲取智慧是非常重要的。
As the academic year begins, a new generation of Tartans embarks on their college journey. Amidst the excitement and challenges, there’s wisdom to be gained from those who have walked the halls of Carnegie Mellon over the decades.
校友们被邀请向今年的新生分享他们的建议——这些建议超越了课本,捕捉了作为 Tartan 的核心。无论是攻克期末考周、建立终生友谊,还是寻找平衡,这些见解都为 2028+ 届的学生们在开始他们 CMU 的经历时提供了指南针。
Alumni were asked to share their advice with this year’s incoming class — lessons that transcend textbooks and capture the heart of what it means to be a Tartan. Whether it’s conquering finals week, forging lifelong friendships or finding balance, these insights offer a compass for the Class of 2028+ as they begin their CMU experience.
「 我想对新生们说:CMU不是终点,而是通往思想冒险和无与伦比的成长机会的起点。你已经抵达了大门,现在进入下一个阶段吧! 」
“I'd like to tell the incoming students this: CMU is not the destination. Rather, it is an embarkation site, leading to adventures of the mind and opportunities for unparalleled growth. You've made it to the gateway. Now, enter the next phase.”
—— Batya Moses(MCS 1980)
作为 Tartan 意味着什么?
「 作为 Tartan 的魔力在于即使是对小众、经常被忽视的学科也充满激情。所有 Tartan 都追随他们的激情,同时也在他人中培养和点燃激情。如果你感到激情减退,找到一位 Tartan 伙伴重新点燃魔力吧!」
“The magic of being a Tartan is being passionate, even for niche, often overlooked, subjects. All Tartans follow their passion as well as foster and ignite passion in others. If you ever feel your passion flagging, find a fellow Tartan to reignite the magic!”
—— Tessa Roscoe(ENG 2015)
「 这意味着很多努力,同时也要享受乐趣。这关乎学习新事物并对新想法保持开放的心态。」
“It means a lot of hard work and at the same time having fun. It's about learning new things and keeping an open mind to new ideas.”
—— Shweta Venkateswaran(SCS 2015)
「 人们总是信任你将心投入工作的能力。如果你能完成 CMU,你将体验到创造一些令人惊叹的东西的喜悦,并知道你可以一次又一次地做出出色的工作。」
“People always trust your ability to put your heart in the work. If you can make it through CMU, you'd have experienced the joy of making something awesome and you know you can do awesome work again and again.”
—— Lei Wang(ENG 2015)
「 Tartan是一个稀有的群体。我们是实干家——聪明、机灵、富有创业精神,同时又令人惊讶地谦逊。我们知道成功在于合作。当我雇佣一个 Tartan 时,我知道我会得到一个努力工作者,同时也是一个合作团队成员。」
“Tartans are a rare breed. We're hustlers — bright, scrappy, entrepreneurial and surprisingly humble at the same time. We know that success lies in the ability to work together. When I hire a Tartan, I know I'm going to get a hard worker but also a collaborative team member.”
—— Nisha Phatak(CMU 2010)
「 对我来说,成为 Tartan 的一员意味着一生的成功以及来自全国最聪明人才的支持。」
“Being a Tartan to me means a lifetime of success and a community of support from some of the most brilliant minds in the country.”
—— Nirupama Suryanarayanan(HNZ 2010)
「 作为 Tartan 意味着为 CMU 的遗产感到自豪。我在 CMU 学到了很多,这些帮助我在计算机科学和技术领域的长期职业生涯中取得成功。」
“Being a Tartan is about being proud of the legacy of CMU. I learned a lot at CMU that has helped me be successful in my long career in computer science and tech work.”
—— Robert Rose(MCS 1985)
「 作为 Tartan 意味着属于宇宙中最惊人的智库之一!加油,Tartans!」
“Being a Tartan means belonging to one of the most amazing brain trusts in the universe! Go Tartans!”
—— Stella Calobrisi(DC 1985)
「 Tartans,保持好奇心。CMU 有如此多样的课程和活动,你一定要花时间去探索。」
“Stay curious, Tartans. CMU has such a wide variety of classes and activities that you should definitely spend the time to explore.”
—— Alexander Woo(SCS 1984)
「 在 Fence 建立的友谊将永远持续!」
“Friendships forged at the Fence last forever!”
—— Kymberly Helbig(DC 1980)
「 作为一名有色女性和资深技术高管,当有人问我在哪里上学时,我的 Tartan 自豪感油然而生,当我说是 CMU 时,他们的整个态度都会改变。」
“As a female of color and senior tech executive, my Tartan pride shines when someone asks me where I went to school and when I say CMU, their whole demeanor changes.”
—— Sona Ven(TPR 2000)
「 作为 Tartan 是一生都要铭记和自豪的事......因为重要的是能够在人生中以优异成绩毕业,而不仅仅是在学校里!」
“Being a Tartan is something that you carry and be proud of for life ... because what is important is to be able to graduate with honors in LIFE and not just school!”
—— Roy Handoko(ENG 2000)
「 Tartans,请记住—— CMU 为你提供了世界一流的教育,你已经受到了一些最有天赋的知识分子的培训。用大画笔将你的知识应用于未来的挑战!」
“Remember Tartans — CMU has given you a world class education and you have been trained by some of the most gifted intellectuals. Apply your knowledge to future challenges with a big wide brush!”
—— Sharon Curcio(DC 1975)
「 学会热爱学习。」
“Learn to love learning.”
—— Rahul Razdan(ENG 1985)
「 作为 Tartan 意味着你的心在工作中——你将被期待在对你来说重要的学习和享受的事情上努力工作。尽可能报名参加许多的课程和话题——即使这意味着你在学分上超载。最终,这将是值得的。」
“Being a Tartan means your heart is in the work — and you will be expected to work hard at what is important for you to learn and enjoy. Enroll in as many classes/topics that you seek — even if it means you are overloading in credits. It will be worth it — in the end.”
—— Ken West(TPR 1980)
「 今天你遇到的人将会以他们对世界的积极影响让你大吃一惊。努力是值得的。为你未来的自我做好准备,你将会令人惊讶,并被别人所惊讶。」
“The people you meet today will knock your Tartan socks off with how they impact the world for the better. The work is worth the effort. Prepare your future self for how you will amaze and be amazed.
—— Wendi Amos(TPR 1990)
「 被 CMU 录取是一份礼物。与来自世界各地的学生保持联系,保持坚持、一致,永不自满。永不放弃你的希望和梦想,因为通过你的精力,它们将得到实现。」
“Acceptance at CMU is a gift. Be engaged with your fellow worldly students, be persistent, consistent and never complacent. Never give up on your hopes and dreams as they will be fulfilled through your energy.”
—— Jerry Bronstein(CFA 1975)
感谢所有与 2028+ 届分享他们经验和智慧的校友。
Thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and wisdom with the Class of 2028+.
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