
学术   2024-08-23 07:00   北京  


Effect of reduction pretreatment on the structure and catalytic performance of Ir-In2O3 catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol

Changyu Ding, Feifei Yang, Xue Ye, Chongya Yang, Xiaoyan Liu, Yuanlong Tan, Zheng Shen, Hongmin Duan, Xiong Su*, Yanqiang Huang*



In2O3催化剂在二氧化碳加氢制甲醇过程中很有应用前景。氧空位被认为是该反应的活性中心,然而理解In2O3中氧物种的状态与催化性能的关联仍然是个挑战。我们比较了不同Ir负载量和不同还原温度预处理的In2O3和Ir-In2O3催化剂的性质。相比In2O3,Ir-In2O3上的二氧化碳转化速率有所提升。通过加入很少量的Ir,In2O3上高度分散的Ir物种增加了氧空位浓度,由此提高了活性。通过精细调控催化剂结构, 300°C预还原Ir负载量为0.16 wt.%的催化剂有最高的甲醇收率(146 mgCH3OH/(gcat·hr))。Raman、EPR、XPS、二氧化碳程序升温脱附和脉冲吸附等多种催化剂表征手段证实较高还原温度会产生较多的氧空位,使得二氧化碳吸附和脱附循环变得更容易。为了获得具有更高性能的二氧化碳制甲醇催化剂,需要使得In2O3表面氧原子和氧空位达到很好的动态平衡。


In2O3 has been found a promising application in CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, which is beneficial to the utilization of CO2. The oxygen vacancy (Ov) site is identified as the catalytic active center of this reaction. However, there remains a great challenge to understand the relations between the state of oxygen species in In2O3 and the catalytic performance for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. In the present work, we compare the properties of multiple In2O3 and Ir-promoted In2O3 (Ir-In2O3) catalysts with different Ir loadings and after being pretreated under different reduction temperatures. The CO2 conversion rate of Ir-In2O3 is more promoted than that of pure In2O3. With only a small amount of Ir loading, the highly dispersed Ir species on In2O3 increase the concentration of Ov sites and enhance the activity. By finely tuning the catalyst structure, Ir-In2O3 with an Ir loading of 0.16 wt.% and pre-reduction treatment under 300°C exhibits the highest methanol yield of 146 mgCH3OH/(gcat·hr). Characterizations of Raman, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, CO2-temperature programmed desorption and CO2-pulse adsorption for the catalysts confirm that more Ov sites can be generated under higher reduction temperature, which will induce a facile CO2 adsorption and desorption cycle. Higher performance for methanol production requires an adequate dynamic balance among the surface oxygen atoms and vacancies, which guides us to find more suitable conditions for catalyst pretreatment and reaction.




黄延强,1980年出生于山东省济南市,2002年毕业于大连理工大学(学士),2008年于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所获博士学位(工业催化)。毕业后留所工作至今,曾赴西班牙卡迪斯大学、美国哥伦比亚大学短期进修。在Nature Energy, JACS, Angew等国内外权威刊物上发表论文100余篇,受邀为Chem. Soc. Rev., Acc. Chem. Res.等刊物撰写综述,申请发明专利50余件(授权20件)。2019年获得国家杰出青年基金资助。现任《Journal of Energy Chemistry》副主编,《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》等刊物青年编委。先后入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员、辽宁省百千万人才工程(万人层次)、兴辽英才计划等荣誉称号。现承担科技部、基金委以及其他部委多项课题




Changyu Ding, Feifei Yang, Xue Ye, Chongya Yang, Xiaoyan Liu, Yuanlong Tan, Zheng Shen, Hongmin Duan, Xiong Su, Yanqiang Huang, 2024. Effect of reduction pretreatment on the structure and catalytic performance of Ir-In2O3 catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. J. Environ. Sci. 140, 2-11.

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