
学术   2024-08-28 08:08   北京  


Multi-process production occurs in the iron and steel industry, supporting ‘dual carbon’ target: An in-depth study of CO2 emissions from different processes

Hongming Na, Yuxing Yuan, Tao Du*, Tianbao Zhang, Xi Zhao, Jingchao Sun, Ziyang Qiu, Lei Zhang



钢铁工业是典型的高碳排放行业,减少其二氧化碳排放量是实现“双碳”目标的必经之路,尤其作为世界第一钢产大国的中国。然而,在以往的研究中,高炉-转炉(BF-BOF)、废钢-电炉(scrap-EF)和氢冶金工艺CO2排放分析同一标准下对比分析并不系统,对影响CO2排放量的关键因素定量解析仍显不足。基于调整产业结构探究CO2排放量仍有欠缺。本研究基于物质流分析方法建立了三种工艺的碳素流图,分析了影响二氧化碳排放量的关键因素,进而结合调整产业结构预测了钢铁工业CO2排放情况。研究结果表明:(1)某企业高炉-转炉、废钢-电炉和氢冶金钢铁生产流程CO2排放量分别为1417.26 kg、542.93 kg和1166.52 kg。(2)通过提高高炉球团矿比和电炉废钢比等措施,可有效减少钢铁生产流程CO2排放量。(3)减少粗钢产量是减少CO2排放最有效措施。此外,除结构调整外钢铁企业还需一系列措施减少额外的5.15亿-6.17亿吨的CO2排放量。




Reducing CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry, a typical heavy CO2-emitting sector, is the only way that must be passed to achieve the ‘dual-carbon’ goal, especially in China. In previous studies, however, it is still unknown what is the difference between blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF), scrap-electric furnace (scrap-EF) and hydrogen metallurgy process. The quantitative research on the key factors affecting CO2 emissions is insufficient. There is also a lack of research on the prediction of CO2 emissions by adjusting industrial structure. Based on material flow analysis, this study establishes carbon flow diagrams of three processes, and then analyze the key factors affecting CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry in the future is predicted by adjusting industrial structure. The results show that: (1) The CO2 emissions of BF-BOF, scrap-EF and hydrogen metallurgy process in a site are 1417.26, 542.93 and 1166.52 kg, respectively. (2) By increasing pellet ratio in blast furnace, scrap ratio in electric furnace, etc., can effectively reduce CO2 emissions. (3) Reducing the crude steel output is the most effective CO2 reduction measure. There is still 5.15×108-6.17×108 t of CO2 that needs to be reduced by additional measures.



那洪明,东北大学讲师,主要研究方向为:冶金工业系统节能减排理论与技术及其数智化、工业生态学等,在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Resources, Conservation and Recycling、Applied Energy、Energy Conversion and Management、Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of the Total Environment和Energy等高水平杂志发表学术论文40余篇,申请或授权专利和软件著作权10余项


杜涛,东北大学教授,任国家环境保护生态工业重点实验室主任、工业生态学与节能减排研究所所长、中国金属学会能源与热工分会主任委员等职务,主要研究方向为:工业系统节能减排、低碳能源与低碳技术、物质流能量流协同优化与智能管控、CO2捕集与利用(CCUS)、工业生态学等。在Applied energy、Resources, Conservation and Recycling、Chemical Engineering Journal等国际高水平学术期刊发表100余篇研究成果。培养博士、硕士研究生100余人,申请或授权专利和软件著作权50余项




Hongming Na, Yuxing Yuan, Tao Du, Tianbao Zhang, Xi Zhao, Jingchao Sun, Ziyang Qiu, Lei Zhang, 2024. Constructing extrinsic oxygen vacancy on the surface of photocatalyst as CO2 and electrons reservoirs to improve photocatalytic CO2 reduction activity. J. Environ. Sci. 140, 46-58.

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