目 錄
論 文
雅與俗的並行:「雙漸蘇卿」故事在宋、金、元時期的傳播 陳田珺 1
大觀園與皇家園林再探:以承德避暑山莊為中心 歐麗娟 29
「放逸」的特權:以廣州祠堂壁畫〈竹林七賢圖〉為中心的討論 梁韻彥 79
「國家」、「國故」與「國民」:近代「國曆」的名實錯位與中西糾葛 王建軍 123
書 評
What the Emperor Built: Architecture and Empire in the Early Ming. By Aurelia Campbell HO Puay-peng 169
A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination. By Haiyan Lee TAM Ka-chai 175
Spring and Autumn Historiography: Form and Hierarchy in Ancient Chinese Annals. By Newell Ann Van Auken PETERSEN Jens Østergaard 179
The Lost Texts of Confucius’ Grandson: Guodian, Zisi, and Beyond. By Kuan-yun Huang NYLAN Michael 187
The First Print Era: The Rise of Print Culture in China’s Northern Song Dynasty. By Daniel Fried BROKAW Cynthia 195