Affray 英/ə'freɪ/ 美/ə'fre/ 英文释义 unlawful fighting or violence involving one or more persons 中文释义 [n.] (1) 〈美〉互殴罪 在公共场所相互斗殴而引起公众惊吓、害怕从而扰乱社区安宁的行为。本罪构成的地点要件是公共场所。如果在非公共场所斗殴,则按殴击〔battery〕定罪。构成本罪的另一要件是相互斗殴。如果一人非法攻击另一人,另一人出于防卫而还击,那么攻击者定殴击罪,防卫人无罪。有些州将这一行为纳入破坏社会治安罪〔breach of the peace〕之中。 (2)〈英〉斗殴罪指至少有一人参加的携带凶器或用拳殴击的非法斗殴行为;或由一人或多人以暴力威胁引起公众恐慌,但实际上并无暴力实施的行为。斗殴罪必须以引起恐慌且造成事实上的混乱为条件,仅存在侮辱或威胁性的言语不构成本罪。 短语引申 crime of affray 聚众斗殴罪affrayer [n.] 斗殴者;互殴者 词语例句 例1: An unemployed person who, within the period of obtaining the unemployment insurance benefits, goes to the hospital designated by the social insurance management agency for medical treatment due to illness (not including getting injured or disabled due to brawl, affray, traffic accidents, etc.) may be granted medical subsidies as much as 60 per cent to 80 per cent of the unemployment insurance benefits which he should obtain. 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,患病(不含因打架斗殴或交通事故等行为致伤、致残的)到社会保险经办机构指定的医院就诊的,可以补助本人应领取失业保险金总额60%至80%的医疗补助金。 例2: Any brawl, affray and other like actions in the swimming pools shall be strictly forbidden. 严禁在游泳场、馆内寻衅滋事、打架斗殴,扰乱游泳活动的正常秩序。 例3: He lacked notice that he was subject to a perpetual firearms ban for having been convicted of a “simple assault—mutual affray” under Section § 1023(b). 他没有意识到他因触犯第1023(b)条“普通(轻)伤害罪——互相斗殴”而被判永久枪支禁令。