昨日还酷暑 今日已寒秋

文摘   2024-09-21 19:03   日本  

Dear Diary,

The temperature dropped sharply today. It feels as if summer lost the battle against autumn overnight, with the heat disappearing and the coolness taking its place. Even sitting indoors, you can feel a bit cold when the wind visits. The change in temperature reminds us that it’s now the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Strangely, it was still scorching hot yesterday. But now, the air is filled with coolness. Lately, I find myself marking time by important festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and New Year's. This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is already a memory—a time when we stayed home, listening to the roars of strong winds and heavy rains brought by the typhoon. And now, National Day is just around the corner.

Sometimes, I lose track of time, absorbed in my own world. It's only when I hear about the passing of someone I once knew, or see skyscrapers rising in my hometown, that I feel time’s passage.

We all think we are the main actors in the world, but I realize we are as ordinary as the plants and animals that share this planet. Our intelligence and inventions do not define the meaning of our lives. It is our love, and the things we do to make others' lives better, as well as our own, that define who we are.

Best regards,



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