本周封面故事 | 特朗普2.0:科技大佬、MAGA派与华尔街的三国演义

财富   2025-01-05 13:52   美国  




disparate - 迥然不同的

contradictory - 矛盾的

volatile - 不稳定的

novelty - 新奇事物

scolding - 斥责

disrupt - 扰乱

glitchy - 故障的

ignominiously - 可耻地

ubiquitous - 无处不在的

psychedelic - 迷幻的

infighting - 内讧

apt - 恰当的

intrigue - 阴谋


economic-policy team - 经济政策团队

MAGA diehards - MAGA(让美国再次伟大)的铁杆支持者

Republican mainstreamers - 共和党主流派

Silicon Valley heavyweights - 硅谷重量级人物

underlying danger - 潜在危险

core competence - 核心能力

agent of chaos - 混乱的制造者


kick off - 开始

look forward to - 期待

hold in store - 蕴藏

get rid of - 摆脱

zoom out - 缩小视图

work up - 制定

vying for attention - 争夺注意力

sign up to - 同意,支持

feel one's way - 摸索前进












Cover Story

How we chose this week’s image

Happy new year! It is often a good idea to kick off the first issue after the winter holidays with a cover that looks forward to all that the next 12 months hold in store. And in January 2025 that could mean only one thing: the forthcoming administration of Donald Trump.

As in his first term, Mr Trump has assembled an economic-policy team with disparate, sometimes contradictory goals. But this time MAGA diehards and Republican mainstreamers will be joined by a new faction that will make the mix more volatile still: the tech bros from Silicon Valley. Over the next four years the rivalries and tensions between these groups will profoundly affect America’s economy and the world’s financial markets.

We started by focusing on the novelty of a tech-heavy government. For years Washington was a place for Silicon Valley heavyweights to avoid, unless summoned by Congress for a scolding. Now tech sees government as something to influence and disrupt.

Here we show that with a drop-down menu beside the American flag and a glitchy, disrupted White House. Like the rest of Mr Trump’s team, tech bros want to sharpen America’s economic and technological edge by getting rid of red tape and boosting innovation. Bringing in experts to advise on artificial intelligence is also a good idea, given its probable economic and strategic importance. And everyone knows that government could be made more efficient.

Or how about a pointer probing the South Portico? This design hints at an underlying danger, too. Tech sees shrinking the state as an engineering problem. But the long history of sensible reforms that died ignominiously in Congress suggests that state-trimming is really an exercise in politics—which for tech is hardly a core competence.

We have worked these ideas up into two draft covers, one of them using the ubiquitous dropped pin. But they’re a bit flat. The pixellated pointer is a very 1990s way of portraying such new phenomena as the AI revolution and, although the valleygarchs have long preferred the Bay Area to the swamps of the federal government, they are nonetheless surely capable of finding Washington without the help of Google Maps.

So we thought about a cover that instead zoomed out to embrace the government as a whole. The success of Mr Trump’s second administration will depend not on tech alone, but also on how tech works with the two other factions. Imagine if the mainstreamers and the tech bosses could limit MAGA’s worst instincts about protectionism and immigration, while the MAGA operatives and mainstreamers could help shepherd tech’s clever ideas through Congress and the bureaucracy.

Here we have illustrated Mr Trump’s team with a series of silhouettes. That’s the big man on the outside and various lesser men and women as you work your way in. However, the whole is disconcertingly psychedelic—as if we expected Trump Two to be like a bad trip. It’s true that a combination of infighting, botched implementation and self-dealing could hobble Mr Trump’s second term. But this image, which we ended up using less prominently inside the newspaper, suggests something altogether weirder.

A parade of MAGA princelings was more promising. For a start, the faction leaders are outside Mr Trump’s brain, which seems more apt. They are also vying for his attention, which is surely right, too. Mr Trump craves conflict and intrigue. Rather than resolving the differences within his team once and for all, he is likely to act as an agent of chaos.

The sketch was too polite, so for the final cover our designer threw in some fists, finger-pointing, scowls and grimaces. Tech and MAGA both say they are signed up to America First, but they mean different things by it. The MAGA movement hopes to restore a vision of the past, including an impossible return to a manufacturing heyday. Tech looks forward. It wants to accelerate progress and disrupt society, leaving yesterday’s world ever farther in the dust.

Our hope is that the stockmarket could help steer the administration towards a compromise. Mr Trump is sensitive to share prices, and will not want to endanger the roaring rally that has followed his re-election. By providing a real-time gauge, the stockmarket could help the administration feel its way towards policies that boost growth. Whatever happens in the battle for America’s economy, expect plenty of sparring on the way.

独立思考 | 国际视野 | 英文学习

01 经济学人打卡营 

02 早起打卡营 
