房价谜题:高利率为何不降房价?| 经济学人财经

财富   2025-01-02 09:53   美国  




May Li,男,我要去追逐心中的太阳,还要继续努力的亚古兽



Don’t count on monetary policy to make housing affordable



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Don’t count on monetary policy to make housing affordable


Unless housebuilding picks up, neither cheap nor dear money will bring relief


Why is housingso expensive? Explanations have tended to fall into two camps. One emphasises a gummed-up supply side: a range of restrictions on land use and nimby campaigners have stymied housebuilding across the rich world. The other camp focuses on demand: a long-term fall in real interest rates has bid up the prices of all assets. Cheaper credit means more expensive housing. Yet even as interest rates rose across the rich world in the early 2020s, prices barely budged. Why? A range of recent papers suggests that the interaction between fixed supply and changes in demand explains the puzzle.



NIMBYNimby是英文短语not in my backyard(别在我家后院)的词首字母缩写,这个表达多以贬义的意味指那些因为某个社会建设项目要修在自家附近而对此表示反对的公众意见,即邻避效应

For most people, a house is a home. To economists it is an income-generating investment. Both are right. On the one hand, for landlords that income is rent. On the other, owner-occupiers receive their income in kind: the consumption of the “housing services” a home provides. Either way the price is largely the same; in essence, both receive rent. For the purpose of inflation statistics this is known as “owner equivalent rent” (oer), and is the main way in which housing shows up in consumer-price indices.oer accounts for about a quarter of the American inflation measure.

对大多数人而言,房子就是家。对经济学家而言,房子是能带来收益的投资投资。二者皆有道理。一方面,对房东而言,收益就是租金。另一方面,自住者获得的是实物收益:享受房屋提供的住房服务。无论哪种服务,价格都大致相同;从本质上讲,他们都获得了租金。在通货膨胀统计中,这被称为业主等效租金OER),是住房在消费价格指数中的主要表现形式。OER 在美国的通胀衡量中占比约四分之一。


业主等效租金(Owners' Equivalent Rent, OER)是指估算自有住房的业主如果将其住


All else being equal, lower interest rates ought to lead to higher house prices. The ratio of rent to a house’s price is similar to the yield on a bond. Both can, in turn, be compared to the interest rate the central bank sets on money. Across financial markets the rates of return on different assets, adjusting for different levels of risk, should converge—otherwise a landlord could sell their portfolio of houses and lock in a higher return in the stockmarket or vice versa. A cut in the central-bank rate raises the market price of bonds, shares and houses in the same way to keep the rates of return in sync. Some economists used this principle to identify a housing bubble before the crash of 2007 as the ratio of house prices to rents rose above what could be justified by interest costs.


In its latest quarterly review, the Bank for International Settlements (bis) examines what a gummed-up housing market means for monetary policy. Ideally, developers should respond to the higher prices brought on by lower interest rates by building more houses and hiring more workers, generating inflationary pressure; higher rates should have the opposite effect. That response has been diminishing over time. During the 1970s, the authors calculate, a 1% increase in home prices produced a 6% increase in new construction; by the 2000s this had dropped to 4%. The authors put this down to a combination of stricter land-use regulation and falling productivity in construction. Rather than stimulating investment, monetary policy works through other channels: fewer new homes are built, and existing ones become more expensive.


Whereas many asset prices adjust almost immediately to changes in monetary policy, the housing market takes longer. It can take months or even years to buy or sell a property. Thebis researchers find that in areas where the supply of homes responds to higher prices there is a one-off shift in house prices: over about a year they rise by about 1.5% following a one-percentage-point cut in interest rates; the rents-to-prices ratio falls and then stabilises. When construction is slow to respond, however, house prices just keep on rising. The authors think this might be because would-be homeowners extrapolate that house prices will continue to rise in the future, which could compensate for a lower yield. Rather than boosting construction, homeowners get a windfall and spend more, generating inflationary pressure through a different channel. They could, for instance, splurge on restaurants and holidays, pushing up wages in those industries.


That does not mean frustrated young renters should hope for an increase in interest rates to bring prices down and homeownership within reach. Monetary policy changes the appeal of owning a home. A paper by Daniel Greenwald of New York University and Adam Guren of Boston University looks at how the rental and house-buying markets interact with each other. In theory, as house prices rise, landlords should be willing to sell to wannabe homeowners. Bringing more sellers into the market relieves some of the upward pressure on house prices after a fall in the cost of credit. It also means the rate of homeownership can increase even if not many new homes are built. Yet in reality this effect is not borne out. The rental market and the homeownership market are almost entirely segmented.

然而,这并不代表着沮丧的年轻租房一族应寄希望于加息来压低房价,从而实现购房梦想。货币政策会改变拥有房产的吸引力。纽约大学的丹尼尔·格林瓦尔德(Daniel Greenwald)和波士顿大学的亚当·古伦(Adam Guren)的一篇文章研究了房屋租赁买卖市场的关系。理论上,随着房价上涨,房东应该更愿意把房屋卖给购房者。更多卖家进入市场可以缓解贷款成本下降而带来的房价上涨压力。这也意味着,即便新建房屋数量不多,房屋拥有率仍然可以提高。然而,现实是这一效应没有出现租赁市场和买卖市场几乎完全割裂。

Heads homeowners win, tails renters lose


When rates rise, and mortgages become more expensive, renting becomes more attractive. That increases demand for the relatively fixed number of rental properties. At the same time, landlords are offered higher risk-adjusted yields on other assets and need to be compensated for missing out on them. A paper focusing on Ireland by Juan Castellanos of the European University Institute and Andrew Hannon and Gonzalo Paz-Pardo of the European Central Bank finds that higher rates actually tend to push rents up. In the same vein, a paper by Daniel Dias of the Federal Reserve and João Duarte of the Nova Business School, focusing on America, finds that tight money can increase “shelter” inflation.

利率上升时,贷款成本上升,租房变得更具有吸引力。这增加了对数量相对稳定的可租赁房产的需求。与此同时,房东的机会成本包括了其他资产享有的更高的风险调整后收益,因此需要提高租金获得额外补偿。欧洲大学学院(European University Institute)的胡安·卡斯特亚诺斯(Juan Castellanos)以及欧洲央行的安德鲁·汉农(Andrew Hannon)和贡萨洛·帕斯-帕尔多(Gonzalo Paz-Pardo) 合作的一篇研究爱尔兰的文章发现,实际上,高息通常会推高租金。美联储的丹尼尔·迪亚斯(Daniel Dias)和诺瓦商学院(Nova Business School)的若昂·杜阿尔特(João Duarte) 研究美国市场时得出了类似的结论:紧缩的货币政策可能加剧住房通胀。

That helps explain some of the recent puzzles of the housing market. Higher rents mean that house prices do not have to fall so far to maintain the yield differential between housing and other assets after monetary policy is tightened. Shelter inflation, meanwhile, has been one of the most stubborn components in the last mile of disinflation for the Federal Reserve. Deniz Igan of thebis calculates that for potential buyers, who care about home prices, their income and mortgage costs, housing is more unaffordable than at any time since the meltdown of 2007. As long as housebuilding remains weak, neither cheap nor expensive money will bring relief.

这就在一定程度上解答了最近房产市场的一些疑问。更高的租金意味着,在货币政策收紧后,即便房价不变也能维持房屋和其他资产的收益率差额。与此同时,住房通胀一直以来就是美联储抑制通胀的最后一公里中最顽固的部分之一。国际清算银行的德尼兹·伊甘(Deniz Igan)的计算表明,对于关注房价、收入和按揭成本的潜在购房者,当前的购房成本已升至2007年房地产泡沫破裂后的最高点。只要房屋建设持续疲软,无论货币政策收紧还是放松,都无助于缓解当下的购房压力。


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