Downfall - 垮台
Tyranny - 暴政
Jihadists - 圣战者
Instability - 不稳定性
Momentous - 重大的
Watershed - 分水岭
Decapitated - 被斩首的
Brandishing - 挥舞
Grievance - 不满
Tasteful - 有品味的
Impoverished - 贫困的
Gawped - 目瞪口呆地看
Sectarian - 宗派的
Vengeance - 报复
Jubilation - 欢欣
Menace - 威胁
Benighted - 愚昧的
Autocratic - 独裁的
Purging - 清洗
Feuding - 争斗的
Traumatised - 受创伤的
Religious tyranny - 宗教暴政
Civil war - 内战
Export refugees - 输出难民
Victorious rebels - 胜利的叛军
Ripped poster - 撕裂的海报
Human tragedy - 人类悲剧
Abandoned palaces - 被遗弃的宫殿
Powerful factions - 强大的派系
Nom de guerre - 战时假名
Political settlement - 政治解决
Religious pluralism - 宗教多元主义
Descend into - 陷入
Look back at - 回顾
End up using - 最终使用
Take place - 发生
Emerge blinking - 眨着眼睛出现
Seek vengeance - 寻求报复
Advance their own interests - 推进自身利益
Struggle to unite - 努力统一
Put back together - 重建
Live side by side - 和睦相处
Fall to someone - 落到某人身上
Distance oneself from - 与...保持距离
Court the West - 讨好西方
Bring down a tyrant - 推翻暴君
Q1: What are the main concerns about Syria's future after Assad's regime fell?
A: There are concerns that Syria might descend into religious tyranny or civil war.
Q2: What were the characteristics of Sharaa's rule in Idlib province?
A: He ran a competent government that respected religious pluralism and oversaw a successful economy.
Q3: What worries have arisen about Sharaa's style of governance?
A: He has become increasingly autocratic, purging rivals and imprisoning opponents.
Q4: What positive note does the article end on?
A: Despite the challenges ahead, it's worth pausing to share Syrians' joy at bringing down a tyrant.
How we chose this week’s image
Our worldwide cover this week was devoted to the downfall of Bashar al-Assad.
Here are some shots that focus on Mr Assad. The ripped poster is powerful, but it has been widely published. The decapitated statue is much fresher—and indeed we ended up using it in our briefing section. However, it features Bashar’s father, Hafez, and it is wrong for the cover. It looks as if the rebellion was taking place in Tallinn or Riga in 1989, rather than in Damascus today.