
文摘   2024-08-02 17:46   日本  




Australian Consulate General

招聘职位 -- 上海


Senior Interpreter and Research Officer

The position is the Consulate-General’s lead interpreter and translator, and manages high quality interpreting and translation services between Chinese Mandarin and English. This includes work outside of Shanghai and outside of standard working hours. The position provides high quality and targeted research, analysis and reporting on a range of complex topics.

The position liaises with the Chinese government, organisations, companies, and universities and provides protocol, logistical and operational advice and support for meetings, provincial travel and incoming and outgoing delegations.

Your application, written in English, addressed in the title ‘Application for Senior Interpreter and Research Officer + your name’ must include:

    • A one page pitch of no more than 1000 words outlining how your skills, experience and qualifications make you the best person for the job;

    • Curriculum vitae including your nationality and country of residency. If you are an Australian citizen in China, please advise your Chinese visa category.

    • Contact details for two work-related referees (at least one should be your current or recent supervisor)

Applications and inquiries should be emailed to acgshanghai.recruitment@dfat.gov.au. Closing date for applications is 5pm, 13 August 2024.  Please consider your application unsuccessful if you have not received any contact within four weeks from the closing date.



