本次研讨会由新加坡国立大学云茂潮中华文化研究(Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture)中心主办,并得到新加坡国立大学亚洲研究所(ARI)的支持。
华南学派将历史研究方法与人类学相结合,研究福建和广东农村的仪式形式(ritual forms)和日常生活。通过发现传统档案之外的地方历史文献,这群学者提出了有关地方身份和国家影响力的新问题。华南学派的出版物数量众多,影响深远,其中在中国研究领域的先驱者提出的方法论对理解中国历史和文化产生了持久影响。这种自下而上的中国历史研究方法以及地方社会与国家的复杂关系可以追溯到民国时期的民俗学和民族学,以及梁方仲和傅衣凌开创性的社会经济史研究。该学派强调收集、分析和出版地方历史文献的重要性。
近几年,大量地方文献出版,包括郑振满主编的《福建民间契约文书》和中山大学华南农村研究中心收集的广东村落调查资料。近年来,一些重要新书出版,包括刘志伟和孙歌的《在历史中寻找中国:关于区域史研究认识论的对话》、陈春声的《地方故事与国家历史:韩江中下游地域的社会变迁》等巨著。华南学派早期的领袖人物,如科大卫(David Faure),呼吁走出广东和福建,去研究中国乃至更广阔的文化发展和同化模式。最近出版的涵盖西南、江西、徽州、山西等众多区域的书籍表明,华南学派已经超越了原有的研究领域。来自台湾的学者将讨论这些方法对台湾历史的影响。宋怡明(Michael Szonyi)的新书《被统治的艺术》探讨了来自中国各地的案例。蔡志祥研究了东南亚的跨国商业网络与仪式实践的在地化。郑莉发表了关于兴化仪式传统在东南亚各地传播的论文。
丁荷生教授(Prof Kenneth DEAN)
This workshop is organised by the Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and supported by the Asia Research Institute, NUS.
The South China School of Chinese History (Huanan xuepai) combines historical research methods with the anthropology of ritual forms and everyday life still found in rural villages in Fujian and Guangdong. Through the discovery of local historical materials beyond traditional archives, this group of scholars has raised new questions about local identity and the reach of the state. The publications of the Huanan xuebai are numerous and influential, and the methodology proposed by the school members pioneered in Chinese studies has had a lasting impact on the understanding of Chinese history and culture. The origins of this approach to Chinese history from below, and the complex engagement of local society with the state goes back to Republican period folklore and ethnography, and to the pathbreaking socio-economic historical research of Liang Fangzhong and Fu Yiling. The school has emphasized the importance of gathering, analysing and publishing local historical materials.
In the past few years, major collections of local materials have been published, including the voluminous Yongtai materials in Fujian edited by Zheng Zhenman and the survey materials on Guangdong villages collected by the South China Rural Research Center of Sun Yat-sen University. Major new books have been published in recent years, including Liu Zhiwei and Sun Ge’s philosophic dialogue on the meaning and importance of local, regional and trans-local historical research, and Chen Chunsheng’s magisterial overview of the history of the Han River basin and Chaozhou regional culture. Early leaders of the Huanan school, such as David Faure, called for moving beyond Guangdong and Fujian to examine broader patterns of cultural development and assimilation across China and beyond. Recent publications covering the Southwest, Jiangxi, Huizhou, Shanxi, and many other areas show how the school has expanded beyond the original areas of inquiry. Scholars from Taiwan will discuss the impact of these approaches on Taiwan history. Michael Szonyi’s recent book on The Art of Being Governed, explores cases from across China. Choi Chi-cheung has examined transnational business networks and the localization of ritual practices in Southeast Asia. Zheng Li has published on the movement of Xinghua ritual traditions across Southeast Asia.
This workshop will reflect on the achievements and ongoing promise of 40 years of research of the Huanan (and beyond) school of historical anthropology. We will also explore ways its unique methods and questions could open up the study of the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia. We will discuss alternative modes of storing historical documents and data in digital platforms, as well as the continuing challenges and limitations of digital humanities.
Prof Kenneth DEAN
Director, Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture at the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore
Leader, Religion and Globalisation Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Assoc Prof ZHENG Li
Visiting Fellow, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore
Monday, 13 January 2025 - Tuesday, 14 January 2025
AS8, Level 4, Seminar Room 04-04
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
National University of Singapore @ KRC