导语 其实我之前发的那个模板主要是针对博士晚期的,用来申请grant或者fellowship的,它的要求比较高。后来想很多人可能是为了申请硕士和博士,这里依据剑桥的标准,给一个更适合学术初初级阶段的学生。但是思路都是一样的,请看过proposal template的同学根据本文调整。 首先,字数,硕士只需要1000字,single paced, 11pt也就是两页纸而已;博士申请是2000字,也就是多一倍。( Special formatting is not required.) 要求却是一样的: Your proposal would generally contain: • A clear, well-motivated and viable research question • A brief review of the literature, covering the theoretical basis for your research, the current state of knowledge in the field, and details of what your research will add • The research methods you propose to use • You may also want to explain the reasons for your own interest in the subject, and any previous work you have done in the area. The word limit includes footnotes, appendices, figures, tables, etc, but does not include references. 我先给一些general的建议;虽然它说‘special formating is not required’,但是作为非常繁忙的评审人,一眼看过去,你这个proposal如果没有清晰的结构,是不会给人好的印象的。相反,那些看起来就很工整,尤其是writing sample,看起来有一种正儿八经学术论文的格式,那是很加印象分的。所以我建议,分小标题。 TitleResearch questionLiterature review (&Theoretical Framework)Research methodsConclusionReferences
Research Question A clear, well-motivated, and viable reserach question。 很多学生的一个盲点是,知道你要研究啥topic,但是不知道你的question是啥。这个question是哪里来的呢?文献阅读+个人观察得出来的一些困惑。