电控充值说明How to top-up room electricity

文摘   2024-09-05 16:41   江苏  

电控充值说明How to top-up room electricity

1. 打开‘徐州医科大学’企业微信;Open ‘WeCom’ application

2. 从‘工作台’点击‘电控充值’,进入‘缴费大厅-移动端’;Click 'Workspace' and '电控充值' 

3. 点开‘电控充值’,选择用户房间和充值金额,进入支付界面,完成支付即可。Click '电控充值' at next page, select your dorm information and payment amount. Then finish the payment.

*University will give 20 kwh per student per month for free, automatically top-up.

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