
文摘   2024-06-11 00:02   北京  


The space group P212121 was determined by Olex2(Dolomanov, 2009). The structure was solved by the ShelXT (Sheldrick, 2015) structure solution program using intrinsic phasing methods. All non-hydrogen atoms were determined directly by ShelXT and refined by Least Squares using version 2018/3 of ShelXL (Sheldrick, 2015). 
All non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically. The tert butyl at the end of the molecule has undergone disorderly refinement with PART instruction. The occupancies was refined freely and the final occupancies were about 0.4:0.6. Some instructions (SIMU and DFIX) were performed to get a better model for tert butyl. From the perspective of temperature factors, some free solvents are clearly not fully occupied, so their occupancies are freely refined.
The positions of hydrogen atoms on carbon atoms were calculated geometrically and refined using the riding model. Their coordinates and displacement parameters were constrained to ride on the carrier atom [C-H = 0.97 Å and Uiso(H) =1.2Ueq(C) for alkyl H atoms, C-H = 0.93 Å and Uiso(H) =1.2Ueq(C) for aromatic H atoms.
All the hydrogen atoms on oxygen atoms were located from difference Fourier map inspection and freely refined with Uiso(H) = 1.5Ueq(O).  The distance between the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom were restrained to 0.85 Å for hydroxyl and water molecules.
The structure contained large void, and the solvent and the positive or negative ions located in the void couldn’t be identified because it was highly disordered had so small residual peak.Therefore, SQUEEZE in PLATON program was performed to remove the highly disordered solvent and ions. The numbers of masked ions and solvent molecules were confirmed by TG analysis. After calculation, the ions and solvent molecules were added in the _chemical_formula_moiety,_chemical_formula_sum and other relative items.
Finally, inverted twins were discovered and BASF/TWIN instructions were used for refinement.
最后还发现该例为倒反孪晶,采用BASF/TWIN 对倒反孪晶进行了精修。





