
文摘   2024-06-09 12:57   北京  

【关键词】高估占有率,溶剂掩膜。over-assignment,solvent mask


Structure 1. 

The residual density map clearly shows that there is disorder in the two phenyl molecules of solvation. It is maybe not worth modelling this, but it might be worth including the attached residual density map to your SI.

More importantly, a solvent mask has been used, but nothing regarding this mask has been reported in the moiety formula and the atoms of the masked entities are missing from the sum formula (and therefore many follow-on quantities as well). Please address this issue.

Structure 2.

All Cu atoms appear to have been over-assigned. When refined freely, these are their resulting occupancies:

Atom information

Atom Type X Y Z Ueq Um Uvol ChemOccu R-bond R-VdW

O8 O 0.330 0.498 0.597 0.029 0.029 0.020 1.000 0.66 1.52

Cu4 Cu 0.286 0.511 0.777 0.026 0.026 0.017 0.850 1.28 1.4

Cu3 Cu 0.724 0.810 0.764 0.027 0.027 0.018 0.870 1.28 1.4

Cu1 Cu 0.328 0.666 0.495 0.027 0.027 0.018 0.969 1.28 1.4

Cu2 Cu 0.417 0.951 0.775 0.027 0.026 0.018 0.902 1.28 1.4

Formula (chemical occupancy): Cu3.59093 O, e count: 112.137, mass: 244.187

What is the reason for this? Are these not Cu atoms? Are they really not fully occupied? What else could cause this?

Of course, Ga radiation is a very bad choice for Cu containing materials, but nevertheless: you must deal with this and ensure that the final residual density map is clean and won't show the strong over-assignment that it currently shows.

Please also make sure that a 'clean' Fobs vs Fcal will be achieved -- and not the rather deviating on that is currently presented.

Structure 3. 

It looks very much like O5 is *not* protonated but O6 *is* protonated, or maybe the proton is disordered over these two positions. Please check this carefully.

In the MS, please provide at least one structural drawing showing ADPs of each structure. From these images, any disorder should be visible -- and the nature of the actual molecule must be easily discernible.

Please use CheckCif as a guide in the final preparation of these structures. There should be no CheckCif A or B alerts remaining, and if any of them do, you must provide relevant and meaningful vrf entries.





剩下的就是些比较通用套路的审稿意见了。在正文中,请至少提供一张结构图,显示每个结构的各向异性温度因子。从这些图像中,任何无序都应该是可见的——而且实际分子的性质必须很容易辨别。请在这些结构的最终准备过程中使用CheckCif作为指南。不应存在剩余的CheckCif A或B警报,如果其中任何警报存在,则必须提供相关且有意义的vrf条目。



结构2中遇到的问题也不是什么稀奇的问题了,在之前的文章中也提到过。可见于审稿意见240602-Fo-Fc图审稿意见240608-高估占有率。审稿人在这里给出了占有率被高估的两个原因,一是原子类型错误,二是共占据。在这个例子中是Ti和Cu共占据,只要把Ti和Cu进行共占据精修即可。而关于Fobs vs Fcal图的问题,Fobs vs Fcal图中有些离群点,但是个数不多。由于原始照片无法得到,无法探究其根本原因,只能说这些离群点对结果影响不大。






