直接空间-Direct space

文摘   2024-06-09 23:59   北京  
(i) 在点空间En的任意两点PQ上附加向量空间Vn的向量PQ=r

The direct space (or crystal space) is the point spaceEn, in which the structures of finite real crystals are idealized as infinite perfect three-dimensional structures. To this space one associates the vector spaceVn, of which lattice and translation vectors are elements. It is a Euclidean space where the scalar product of two vectors is defined. The two spaces are connected through the following relations:
(i) To any two points P and Q of the point space En a vector PQ = r of the vector space Vn is attached.
(ii) For each point P of En and for each vector r of Vn there is exactly one point Q of En for which PQ = r holds.
(iii) If R is a third point of the point space, PQ + QR = PR.
