Vehicles were taken position against houses and covered with branches to hide them from the enemy in the air.
A major problem for Peiper was the lack of supplies,especially gasoline. there was only sporadic radio contact with the Divisional headquarters.
It also seems that the communications he received were not that helpful either.
The vehicle I am am going to build is a Sdkfz251/3 with a Kurbelmast KM9 With Fu11 SE 100.
我计划做一辆Sdkfz251/3,配有Kurbelmast KM9和Fu11 SE 100两种车载无线电台。
The idea is to add 3 figures in the vehicle communicate with Peiper (and Diefenthal?)
About the situation and information they are receiving from Headquarters.
计划是在车中添加3个人物,他们与与Peiper派普(和 Diefenthal?约瑟夫. 迪芬塔尔) 进行报告关于他们从无线电上收到的总部提供的战况和信息的情景。
Soon Arto will come with a release from Peiper wearing a Italian flightsuit he most probably was wearing during BoB( U-boat jacket he did wear in Hungary 45!)
据说很快,韩国Arto就会发布新的派普的人物(此时已经发布),他穿着意大利飞行服,他很可能在 BoB(突出部战役缩写) 期间穿着(他在匈牙利 45 穿的 U 型潜艇夹克!)
我还会建造一栋房子的一部分,(是Edmond Delvennne的房子)
The rack from the radio installation i did have to scratch myself! I did have a pe rack from the polish brand Parts but unfortunately this rack was too small for the Fu11. The installation and kurbelmast was taken from Dragons Sdkfz251/6 (alt)
Peiper held an immediate conference with the senior commanders Werner Poetschke, Hein von Westerhagen and Jupp von Diefenthal。
That night 800 men set off up the path,the wounded were left behind in La Gleize.
派普立刻与手下各指挥官开会,包括Werner Poetschke 沃纳.普特斯克,Hein von Westerhagen 海恩.冯.韦斯特哈根,还有Jupp von Diefenthal 约瑟夫.冯.迪芬塔尔。那天晚上有800名官兵被派出进行突围,而伤员都被留在La Gleize拉格莱兹村。
There was one US major Hal Mc Cown who was present at the outbreak. Was thinking to add Mc Cown to the scene but i am not sure yet because perhaps it might look a bit confusing.
当时还有一位被俘的美军少校Hal McCown哈尔.麦考恩,我正在考虑是否要加这个人物,因为很有可能带来观众的困惑。
Perhaps better remove this figure and add Von Westerhagen....i keep playing with the figures!
I added the slated roof,it are seperate tiles from Pimp my Miniature .
下图是完成了屋顶,使用了Pimp my Miniature的瓦片。
“I finaly managed to finish the paintwork. I would like to thank Eric Reist for providing me all the details from the Funk installation and Kurbelmast.”
Erik Gideonse and Markus Eriksson for sending me the moss I needed for the branches on the vehicle and last but not least Jimmy Panzerace who provided me various items I needed such as the AFV kit, figures, update sets and much more.
Next step will be painting the other figures!
I more or less finished the house,the base colors are sprayed with Tamiya paint. Further details are painted with acrylics . Slowly i am approaching the end of this project!
On the 23th of December 1944 The situation from Kampgruppe Peiper at La Gleize was hopeless. Peiper's request for permission to break out has been refused by sixth Panzer Army Headquarthers, but authority was eventually delegated to Divisional level and SS Gruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Mohnke finally agreed at 14.00 hours the permission to break out.
Peiper immediately held a conference with his senior commanders Hein Von Westernhagen, Jupp Diefenthal and Werner Poetscke. There was only one possible escape route,and that was the south over the Ambleve river then to the hills around Wanne. Major Hal Mc Cown was the only U.S prisoner who was taken during the breakout. It was agreed that the lightly wounded would accompany the marching column. The badly wounded would have to leave behind!
接到指令后派普立刻与他的部下们 Hein Von Westernhagen, Jupp Diefenthal and Werner Poetscke 开会讨论撤退计划。那时只有一条路线可以撤退,就是向南渡过Ambleve安布尔夫河进入Wanne地区的山中。美军少校McCown是突围期间唯一的美军俘虏。当时轻伤员都可以随行突围,但是重伤患必须留在拉格莱兹村!
I would like to to thank Jimmy Panzerace and Erich Reist for providing me with all the information and using their knowledge about the radio installation. Also a big thank to JW Stokkers who helped me with the idea for this diorama.
我要感谢Jimmy与Erich为我提供大量相关信息,还有他们关于无线电台的知识分享。也要特别感谢JW Stokkers,是他为我提供了这个场景的点子。