专辑征稿 | 新兴经济地区空气质量: Environ Sci: Atmos

学术   科学   2024-10-13 10:30   北京  

英国皇家化学会环境类期刊 Environmental Science: Atmosphere 近期发布「新兴经济地区的空气质量」(Air Quality in Emerging Economic Regions) 专题合辑的征稿通知,向相关领域的广大科研工作者征集投稿,截至  2024 年 12 月 15 日 

本专题合辑由 Francis Pope (伯明翰大学)Vinayak Sinha (印度科学教育与研究学院) Michael Gatari (内罗毕大学) 担任客座编辑。


  • 空气质量发展趋势的历史分析、现状监测和未来预测。既可以包括新冠疫情后经济重建过程中空气质量案例研究,也可以包括环境空气质量超标时对紧急情况的快速响应。

  • 空气质量监测和绘图方法。特别鼓励新颖的传感器实施和监测方法,其中包括算法开发, 同时也需要提供这些新方法的验证以及成功应用的证明。

  • 对流层氧化剂化学对空气质量的影响。

  • 区域源解析和表征研究。包括城市和偏远环境之间的区别,以及农业等与空气质量变化相关的行业和活动。


Francis Pope
英国 · 伯明翰大学

Francis is an environmental scientist with wide ranging interests in the atmospheric sciences, human health and sustainable cities. He trained as a physical chemist and he uses this fundamental knowledge to develop novel instrumentation and probe systems of interest.

Francis has active research projects in the broad areas of air pollution, climate change, fundamental aerosol chemistry and microphysics, and city resilience. He leads the ‘A Systems Approach to Air Pollution (ASAP) East Africa’ which is taking a multi-disciplinary approach to tackling air pollution in the study cities of Nairobi, Kampala, and Addis Ababa.

Vinayak Sinha

Vinayak Sinha is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali (IISER Mohali). Prior to joining IISER Mohali in August 2010, Dr. Sinha worked at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany for six years from 2004-2010 as a doctoral and postdoctoral research scientist. His doctoral thesis was awarded the highest grade possible for a PhD thesis in Germany (summa cum laude) in 2007. His current research is focused on fundamental ozone formation chemistry, sources and sinks of reactive volatile organic compounds and green-house gases and source apportionment of air pollutants with the objective of improving current understanding of emissions and air quality over the Indian region. He has also worked on methane emissions with Nobel laureate Prof. Paul J. Crutzen. As of 17.07.2023 he has published 140 scientific articles (including 70 peer reviewed international journal publications) with h-index = 32 on SCOPUS (33 on Google Scholar) and more than 4000 citations. From 2010 till 2023 at IISER Mohali, he has supervised 6 students for their PhD, all of whom are continuing a career in research and teaching.

Michael Gatari
肯尼亚 · 内罗毕大学

Michel James Gatari Gichuru has a PhD in Environmental Science with specialization in Physics, a Diploma from European Research Course on Atmospheres and a licentiate in Environmental Physics. He is an Associate Professor in Applications of Nuclear Science Techniques and he teaches/lectures postgraduate courses at the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology in the University of Nairobi. He has co-supervised 4 PhD and 33 MSc (2014-2015) to completion, and 9 PhD and 20 MSc are on-going.

 开放投稿截至 2024 年 12 月 15 日    

Please state the code “EAAQEmEc24” in the “Comments to the Editor” submission question when you submit your manuscript, to indicate that this is a submission for the themed collection. 
The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed. 
All manuscripts will be subject to the journal's usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be added to the online collection as soon as they are online and will be published in a regular issue of Environmental Science: Atmospheres.

如有任何问题,请联系 esatmospheres-rsc@rsc.org


Interdisciplinary open access journal advancing the understanding of atmospheric science and related challenges


Environ. Sci.: Atmos.

JCR 分区*Q3 环境科学
CiteScore 分2.9

Environmental Science: Atmospheres 发表大气化学领域的高质量基础研究和应用研究成果,其中包括了大气-生物圈、大气-海洋以及大气-地表的相互作用。该刊也欢迎与室内空气质量及其人体健康影响相关的研究报道。作为一本金色开放获取的期刊,读者可免费获取论文的全文,同时从该刊发布起到 2023 年年中免收论文发表费用。


  • Neil Donahue
    🇺🇸 卡内基梅隆大学

Associate editors

  • Tzung-May Fu (傅宗玫)
    🇨🇳 南方科技大学

  • Stephen Klippenstein
    🇺🇸 美国阿贡国家实验室

  • Nønne Prisle
    🇫🇮 奥卢大学

  • Lin Wang (王琳)
    🇨🇳 复旦大学

Editorial board members

  • Dwayne Heard
    🇬🇧 利兹大学

  • Claudia Mohr
    🇨🇭 苏黎世联邦理工学院

  • Joel Thornton
    🇺🇸 华盛顿大学(西雅图)

* 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)

 CiteScore 2023 by Elsevier



