质量保证与质量控制(QA/QC)程序:强调 QA/QC 程序在确保暴露组学数据可靠性和有效性中的关键作用。相关内容包括校准策略、方法验证、能力验证、实验室间比对、计量挑战及数据解释,符合FAIR(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable)数据原则。
开放投稿截至 2025 年 1 月 31 日
Both papers and review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.Our APC is among the lowest in the industry and there are no submission charges. Discounts and waivers are offered to authors from developing countries. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.