
文摘   2024-11-18 00:01   北京  

Insects at risk

The cover shows a green leafhopper (Cicadella viridis). Five papers in this week’s issue explore the environmental challenges now facing insect populations, with climate change emerging as a key factor whose influence has potentially been underestimated. Jörg Müller and colleagues analyse 27 years of insect biomass data to reveal that weather anomalies associated with climate change can affect insect biomass in the temperate zone. In a second paper, Melanie Kazenel and co-workers find that warming caused by climate change could pose a threat to bee diversity in the United States, and a paper by Guillaume Ghisbain and colleagues predicts significant reduction in suitable habitat for European bumblebee species owing to human-induced changes to the environment, including climate change. Another human effect is highlighted in a paper by Charlie Nicholson and co-workers, which looks at the negative effects of pesticide use on bumblebees in Europe. And a fifth paper by Roel van Klink and colleagues probes how declines in formerly abundant species can drive insect loss.




转录分析显示,GmFULc 可以结合到 CArG, bHLH and homeobox motifs. GmFULc 通过结合 GmZTL3 and GmZTL4启动子区的CArG motif 诱导它们的表达。过表达GmZTL4 也可以促进大豆的成熟,而ztl4 mutants的成熟则显著延迟。作者发现一个GmZTL4的光响应原件- cis element box 4 motif在调控大豆成熟过程中发挥重要作用,将该元件删除后可以提高该基因的表达水平从而缩短大豆生长周期. 高纬度的短日照可以促进 GmFULc 结合GmZTL4 并抑制E1 and E1Lb的表达从而促进大豆早熟。




原文:The MADSbox transcription factor GmFULcpromotes GmZTL4 gene transcription to modulatematurity in soybean
