The image shows the tragic story of the Greek soldier Philippides, who brought the victory message of the battle of Marathon to Athens but died after 26 miles and 385 yards (42.195 km) exhaustive running. In fact, human muscle developed mitochondrial protein lactylation as a preventive mechanism for such disaster. See page 13–30 by Yunzi Mao et al. for details.
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) 在植物应答非生物胁迫过程中发挥重要作用。本研究发现了一个来自桦树的 salt-responsive nuclear lncRNA (BplncSIR1)参与了植物对盐胁迫的应答。 BplncSIR1可以诱导抗氧化酶活性并诱导气孔关闭过程,同时可以加速植物生长。
转录分析显示, BplncSIR1 可以结合到(encoding NAC domaincontaining protein 2)的启动子上诱导它的表达。过表达 BpNAC2同样可以加速植物生长并提高植物对盐胁迫的耐受性。
BpNAC2 可以结合到G-box and ‘CCAAT’ sequences等顺式作用元件上参与应答盐胁迫基因的表达, 从而降低ROS的累积和气孔的关闭过程。
The regulatory network of BplncSIR1 in response to salt stress. Salt stress induces the expression of BplncSIR1, which in turn binds to the promoter of BpNAC2 to activate its expression. The BpNAC2 protein then binds to cis-acting elements such as G-box and ‘CCAAT’ sequences to regulate gene expression in response to salt stress, such as BpABA2, BpOST1, BpAPX1 and BpPRX52. The expression of these genes leads to increased ROS scavenging capability and reduced stomatal aperture to decrease the water loss rate, which finally improves salt tolerance.
原文:Long noncoding RNA from Betula platyphylla, BplncSIR1,confers salt tolerance by regulating BpNAC2 to mediatereactive oxygen species scavenging andstomatal movement