Title: The chaperon CcmS plays a role in carboxysome assembly in cyanobacteria. Cover description: The carboxysome is a specialized organelle-like protein assembly found in cyanobacteria and chemoautotrophs, playing a crucial role in carbon fixation. Understanding how various carboxysome proteins self-assemble into a functional carboxysome structure is vi-tal for both biological research and synthetic engineering applications. Photo from the authors of Cheng et al. shows the dimeric structure of the chaperon protein CcmS and how CcmS facil-itates the assembly of β-carboxysomes in the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 by interacting with the shell protein CcmK1 at the shell outer surface. Image credit: Luning Liu.
Nitrate是一种植物生长发育所必需的营养元素。 NITRATE TRANSPORTERS (NRTs)参与了植物对硝态氮的获取过程, 其中NRT2.1是一个关键的高亲和性的硝态氮的转运子。 本研究发现 CALCIUM-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE 28 (CPK28) 正调控氮素亏缺状态下对硝态氮的吸收。CPK28 对NRT2.1 的磷酸化发生在Ser21位点上,从而正调控该基因的功能.
在nrt2.1 and cpk28 mutant 中表达phosphomimic variant NRT2.1S21E可以恢复对氮素的吸收过程, 而nonphosphorylatable variant NRT2.1S21A则无该功能。
小结:本研究揭示了CPK28 通过磷酸化NRT2.1正调控植物对氮素吸收利用的机制。
原文:CPK28-mediated phosphorylation enhances nitrate transport activity of NRT2.1 during nitrogen deprivation