On the cover:Marchantia polymorpha is one of the earliest land plants on Earth. Due to its ancient origin, many signaling pathways in Marchantia are relatively simple. For instance, the nuclear auxin signaling pathway in Marchantia consists of five core signaling proteins, each encoded by a single orthologous gene. In this issue, Das et al. (2024) present fluorescent genomic knock-in lines of key genes encoding nuclear auxin signaling proteins, enabling precise quantification of endogenous protein levels and dynamics during tissue development. This study not only reveals the native accumulation patterns across the entire auxin response network but also uncovers that proteolysis tunes the stoichiometry of positively and negatively acting ARFs, thereby reprogramming the auxin response during development. The cover image showcases the diverse native expression patterns of auxin signaling proteins in Marchantia gemmae. The cover design was inspired by the resemblance of fluorescent Marchantia gemmae to luminous jellyfish floating in a dark ocean. Cover design by Wenrong He and Lexuan Gao. Images by Shubhajit Das.
strigolactone (SL)抑制植物地上分支的形成,而 trehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P) 则促进地上分支的形成。转录组的分析发现拟南芥SL mutants中差异表达的基因被显著的富集到了 Tre6P 路径上。作者还发现Tre6相关基因在豌豆SL突变体中的表达也发生了显著变化。与SL突变体和野生型相比,more axillary (max) growth 2突变体中Tre6P的水平显著增高,说明MAX2依赖的SL信号转导途径是影响Tre6P的关键。在所有的SL突变体中通过转基因的方法增加Tre6P的水平可以促进早花,这进一步说明了两条信号通路之间的关系,但是 brc1突变体除外。Tre6P还可以促进野生型分支的增多,但是对于max2 and max4 mutants无效,说明Tre6P的效应依赖MAX2。
提高Tre6P led 可以促进brc1 mutants分支的提升。
Schematic representation of the relationship between strigolactones, sucrose and Tre6P signalling. Tre6P is shown as being downstream of strigolactone signalling via a SUPPRESSOR OF MAX2-LIKE (SMXL)-dependent and independent pathway involving the inhibition of TRE6P SYNTHASE1 (TPS1) and TPS9. Tre6P acts in parallel to the know strigolactone signalling pathways involving BRC1. Tre6P also influences MAX2-dependent signalling by activating the flux into citrate which would lead to the inhibition of MAX2 on a protein level. This acts in parallel to the inhibition of MAX2 transcription by sucrose. Inhibition and activation are presented by blunt-ended blue or pointed red arrows, respectively. Currently, unknown interaction or interactions based on in vitro data are represented by dashed arrows. Black arrows represent processes.
原文:Strigolactone signalling inhibits trehalose 6-phosphate signalling independently of BRC1 to suppress shoot branching