外贸干货 |如何给外贸客户写开发信

文摘   2024-06-03 09:27   山东  


1. 简介:

  • 从礼貌的问候开始,如果知道联系人姓名的话,可以开头称呼收件人的名字;

  • 简要介绍您自己和您的公司,重点介绍您的专业知识、经验和任何相关成就等等;

  • 对他们过去的业务或对贵公司的兴趣(如果适用)表示感谢。

2. 针对性:

  • 通过参考之前的任何互动或订单,表明您了解他们的业务和需求;

  • 根据他们之前的购买或询问,提及他们可能感兴趣的任何特定产品或服务;

  • 如果你们有任何共同的联系或共同的兴趣,请简单提及以建立融洽的关系。

3. 价值或者差异:

  • 清楚地传达您的公司可以为客户提供的价值。这可能包括高质量的产品、有竞争力的价格、可靠的交付、卓越的客户服务等因素;

  • 突出显示您的公司相对于竞争对手的任何独特卖点或优势;

  • 提供示例或推荐(如果有)来支持您的主张。

4. 要约或建议:

  • 提供可能与收件人相关的任何特别优惠、折扣或促销活动;

  • 如果您有新产品或服务,请介绍它们并解释它们如何使客户受益;

  • 包括任何相关条款和条件,例如最低订购数量、交货时间等。

5. 号召性用语:

  • 清楚地说明您希望收件人接下来采取什么操作,是否下订单、请求更多信息、安排会议等;

  • 通过提供联系信息和首选沟通渠道,让他们轻松做出回应。

6. 结束语:

  • 对他们的时间和考虑表示感谢;

  • 重申您愿意帮助他们解决他们可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑;

  • 以专业的结束语结束,例如“此致”,然后是您的姓名和职位/头衔。


  • 【情景1】联系公司CEO或人力资源部门

    Dear [CEO 或者人力资源经理姓名],

    [说明你写信是为了帮助他们的公司克服改善招聘、培训或团队管理工作的障碍] [描述你自己的资格以及你工作的公司给其他公司带来的成果]

    Common services we provide clients include:




    Thank you for taking the time to review the services we offer. If you're interested in learning more about how we can improve your company, please call or email us at [您的电话号码和电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景2】开展新业务

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We're excited to announce the opening of our new business, [贵公司名称]. It's located on [您的企业地址和其他位置详细信息]. The business will be open and ready to greet guests on [您的企业开业日期].

    Our business offers [简要概述您的企业将为客户提供的价值]. We're proud to offer the following products to clients:




    Please feel free to stop by on [您的企业开业日期] to learn more about our products and meet our team. Give us a call or email us to learn more about our products at [公司电话号码] or [公司电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景3】发布新产品

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We're pleased to announce the official launch of our newest product, [您的产品名称] to our line of [您销售的产品类型]. Using this product will bring you the following benefits:




    It will be released on [您发布产品的日期] and will be available at [实际地址或客户可以购买您的产品的地点的在线链接]. If you'd like to pre-order this product or learn more about the values it provides, give us a call at [公司电话号码] or email us at [公司电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景4】向公司提出服务建议

    Dear [商务人士姓名],

    I see your company is looking to improve its [公司当前面临的挑战]. As a talented company specializing in [贵公司提供的服务或功能], [贵公司的名称] can provide you with an unmatched service to help you thrive in the industry.

    Established in [贵公司成立年份], our company offers the following services:

    [您的企业提供的服务 1]

    [您的企业提供的服务 2]

    [您的企业提供的服务 3]

    If you get started with our services this month, we can offer you a [百分比] discount. Give us a call at [公司电话号码] or email us at [公司电子邮件地址] for a quote or demonstration to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you.





  • 【情景5】举办活动

    Dear [客户姓名],

    Get ready for an exciting [天数] at our upcoming event, [您的活动标题]. It takes place on [活动日期] and starts at [活动时间]. We'll be hosting this event at [到达会场的位置和路线]. Sessions we provide at the event include:

    [活动 1: 研讨会、课程或主题]

    [活动 2: 研讨会、课程或主题]

    Visit [活动网站链接] to register for the vent. Admission costs are [入场费]. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the event, reach out to us at [公司电话号码] or [公司电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景6】您所有产品的详细说明

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We wanted to take a moment to introduce our company and provide you with details on our product line and the benefits it has to offer you. [贵司名称] was started in [贵司成立年份] and we pride ourselves on the advanced products we have to offer our customers. The products we have available include:




    If you'd like to request a quote or want to learn more about these products and their features, give us a call at [公司电话号码] or email us at [公司电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景7】欢迎新客户

    Dear [客户姓名],

    On behalf of our team at [贵司名称], I'd like to welcome you on as a new client with our company. We're excited to get started on providing you with a service unlike any other. [简单介绍一下公司的概况].

    As a review of our agreement, the services we'll be providing you are as follows:

    [您为客户提供的服务 1]

    [您为客户提供的服务 2]

    [您为客户提供的服务 3]

    We can't wait to get started with you soon. Your account manager will reach out to you soon with further details on the next steps to get started. Feel free to contact us at [公司电话号码] or [公司电子邮件地址] with any questions.





  • 【情景8】请求客户推荐或客户感言

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We're writing to you today to thank you for your dedication to our company. We value you as a client and have enjoyed the time we've spent working with you. To gain more valuable clients such as yourself, we would appreciate it if you would take the time to create a client testimonial for us. The key points we'd like you to cover in this testimonial are:

    [客户要涵盖的关键点 1]

    [客户要涵盖的关键点 2]

    [客户要涵盖的关键点 3]

    This testimonial can be submitted as a video recording or a written document. Please submit this to us at [提交电子邮件地址] by [日期], if possible. If you'd like any additional details about this testimonial, reach out to us at [电话号码] or [电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景9】与客户的周年庆

    Dear [客户姓名],

    Thank you for your [客户与您合作的年数] years of collaboration with our company. We wanted to let you know that we appreciate our time with you and can't wait to continue building a stronger relationship and helping you grow as a company for the years to come.

    Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your experience with us. Give us a call at [电话号码] or write us an email at [电子邮件地址].





  • 【情景10】回应客户投诉

    Dear [客户姓名],

    I'm reaching out to let you know we've received your recent complaint from [客户发出投诉的日期]. We're sorry to hear that you had an unsatisfactory experience and will do everything we can to ensure it's resolved.

    You will hear back from one of our customer support specialists by [您的客户应从您的团队收到回复的日期]. In the meantime, if you have any other questions or concerns, please give us a call at [电话号码] or email us at [电子邮件地址].

    We apologize once again for the inconvenience. Our partnership with you is very important to us, which is why we'll everything we can to make sure you're satisfied with our service.





  • 【情景11】要求客户付款

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We're writing to notify you that your invoice of [客户应付金额] is due on [付款到期日]. This charge is for the following services provided from [开始该项目的日期] to [完成该项目的日期]:

    [您向客户收取的服务和价格 1]

    [您向客户收取的服务和价格 2]

    [您向客户收取的服务和价格 3]

    You can make payments to us via [客户可以向您付款的在线网址]. Payments we accept include [支票、信用卡或现金]. If any of this information looks incorrect, please reach out to us at [电话号码] or [电子邮件地址].

    We value and appreciate your business.





  • 【情景12】通知客户即将续签合同

    Dear [客户姓名],

    We're writing to inform you that your contract with us ends on [客户合同结束日期]. This contract has been attached for your reference. We'd love to discuss terms for renewal and go over our thoughts on additional services we believe your business could benefit from.

    Please give us a call to schedule a meeting to discuss this contract renewal process further at [公司电话号码]. We've enjoyed working with you these past [合同有效的月数或年数] and hope to continue this relationship.










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