光量子芯片、高温超导和拓扑超导、活性物质太阳系演化 | 本周物理讲座

学术   2024-12-17 09:38   北京  

1 Attosecond Coulomb dressing in a coherent nonlinear reflection from a metal

报告人:Prof. Hrvoje Petek,  University of Pittsburgh





When illuminated by light, free electrons in a metal screen the applied optical field by inducing the screening charge density on the Fermi screening length scale. We consider the screening response of free electrons to an incoming optical field. They are commonly described by a theoretical cartoon but never quantitatively examined in the process of screening. We perform two photon photoemission spectroscopy as a function of the optical field strength on attosecond time scale projecting the coherently responding electrons into the photoemission continuum for electron energy, momentum, and time analysis.1 The photoemission spectra of silver in the near-UV region show a field strength-dependent transformation from Bloch bands into a delocalized electron distribution that has lost character of the single particle band structure of silver. The optical field appears to induce a phase transition from a lattice-periodic band structure to a correlated photon-electron state, Interferometric measurements show that the optical field dressed state appears and decays on sub-optical cycle, attosecond time scale. Spectroscopic evidence shows a significant role of the A2 ponderomotive/diamagnetic response of the electronic system, where A is the electromagnetic vector potential.


Prof. Hrvoje Petek obtained BS degree (1980) form MIT, and PhD degree (1985) from the University of California Berkeley both in chemistry. He worked with Keitaro Yoshihara as the National and Yamada Science Foundations postdoctoral fellow and Research Associate at the Institute of Molecular Science, Japan (1985-1992). He was a Senior Research Scientist at the Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory (1993-2000), where he initiated research on ultrafast electron dynamics in the solid state. He is continuing this research as a Professor of Physics and RK Mellon Chair of Physics and Astronomy since 2000. Petek has been recognized with the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (2000), Morino Award (2014), Ahmed Zewail Award in Ultrafast Science and Technology (2019), and as distinguished Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2022). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Surface Science, and a member of numerous advisory boards.

2 Integrated Photonic Circuit for Quantum and Optical Platforms

报告人:Dr Leong-Chuan Kwek,National University of Singapore



地点:物理楼 W361


Integrated photonic circuits (IPCs), also known as integrated optical circuits or photonic integrated circuits (PICs), are microchips that incorporate multiple photonic components to form a functional circuit. These circuits are designed to detect, generate, transport, and process light, enabling a wide range of applications. In recent years, IPC technology has made significant advancements and has been utilized in various fields such as quantum walk, machine learning, and boson sampling.  Moreover, IPCs have emerged as a powerful technology that enables the integration of various photonic components into a single chip. Their applications span a wide range of fields, including quantum computing and polaritonics.

3 Weyl Geometry, Holography and the Weyl anomaly






Weyl geometry is a natural extension of conformal geometry with Weyl covariance mediated by a Weyl connection. The commonly used Fefferman-Graham gauge for asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes explicitly breaks the Weyl symmetry of the boundary theory. This can be resolved by applying the Weyl-Fefferman-Graham (WFG) gauge, in which the boundary carries a Weyl geometry. We generalize the Fefferman-Graham ambient construction for conformal geometry to a corresponding construction for Weyl geometry. Through the Weyl-ambient construction, we investigate Weyl-covariant quantities on the Weyl manifold and define Weyl-obstruction tensors. We show that Weyl-obstruction tensors appear as poles in the Fefferman-Graham expansion of the ALAdS bulk metric for even boundary dimensions. Under holographic renormalization in the WFG gauge, we demonstrate that Weyl-obstruction tensors can be used as the building blocks for the Weyl anomaly of the dual quantum field theory. Furthermore, the holographic calculation with a background Weyl geometry also implies an underlying geometric interpretation of the Weyl anomaly.



4 Realizing topological quantum magnets with atomic spins on surfaces






Designing and characterizing quantum many-body systems at the atomic scale is essential for understanding strongly correlated physics and quantum information processing. Recently, combining electron spin resonance (ESR) with scanning tunneling microscope (STM) has enabled the exploration of interacting spins on surfaces with high precision. The sub-angstrom spatial resolution and ultrahigh energy resolution of ESR-STM has allowed the measurement of magnetic interaction betweer individual atoms, detection of single nuclear spins, and exploration of quantim fuctuations in engineered spin arrays. In this talk, I will present our efforts to construct topological quantum magnets fom atomic spins on insulating films using ESR-STM. These topological auantum magnets include spin-1/2 chains and two-dimensional spin-1/2 arrays. We engineered both topological and trivial phases of the quantum spin model and thereby realized first- and second-order topological quantum magnets. Their many-body excitations were probed by single-atom ESR with an energy resolution better than 100 meV. We further visualized various many-body topological bound modes including topological edge states and higher-order corner modes. These results provide an important bottom-up approach to simulating quantum many-body phases of interacting spins.


杨锴,中国科学院物理研究所特聘研究员。2009年毕业于山东大学,2015年在中科院物理所获博士学位。博士毕业后在美国IBM公司Almaden研究中心从事博士后研究。2021年加入中科院物理所固态量子实验室。近年来,主要利用电子自旋共振扫描隧道显微技术(ESR-STM),开展了基于固体表面原子自旋的量子探测、量子模拟和量子计算等研究工作。以第一/通讯作者在Science、Nat. Nanotechnol.、PRL等期刊发表论文三十余篇。

5 基于自组装量子点大规模混合集成光量子芯片研究的若干挑战与解决方案








张加祥,中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所研究员,博士生导师,中科院特聘研究员;2003年本科毕业于长春理工大学,获应用物理学学士学位,2010年硕士毕业于北京大学现代光学所,获理学硕士学位,2015年8月博士毕业于德国莱布尼兹固体物理研究所,此后在德国慕尼黑大学慕尼黑量子中心进行博士后研究。2018年入选上海市启明星、中科院百人计划和国家高层次青年人才计划,主要从事异质集成材料和大规模混合集成光量子器件和芯片方面的研究工作,成功研制晶圆级铌酸锂和碳化硅等非线性薄膜光电功能晶圆材料,突破新材料向高性能非线性和光量子芯片转化的诸多技术瓶颈,发展包括III-V量子点/压电材料,III-V/碳化硅和III-V/铌酸锂等多材料混合集成光量子芯片,实现目前最大规模量子点混合集成光量子芯片(20通道确定性单光子源),迄今在Nat. Phys., Nat. Commun., Nano Lett., Light: Sci. and Appl., Laser Photon. Rev. 和Appl. Phys. Rev. 等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇。承担科技部重点研发计划课题、中国科学院青年团队稳定支持等项目。

6 Nonlinear quantum optics of mechanical oscillators with trapped ions

报告人:Dzmitry Matsukevich, National University of Singapore





Due to large accessible Hilbert space, mechanical motional states of the trapped ions are attractive for quantum simulations and quantum computing. However such applications require strong and well controlled nonlinear interactions between these modes. In this talk I discuss how nonlinear interaction between the motional modes similar to degenerate and non-degenerate parametric oscillator models in quantum optics arise due to anharmonicity of the Coulomb interaction between the ions. I will also show how coupling of spin and motion of the ions enables SWAP test for measuring overlap between two infinitely-dimensional quantum states of harmonic oscillators, and allows for approximate implementation of a bosonic cubic phase gate for the motional mode of a trapped ion.


Dzmitry Matsukevich is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore. His research interests include trapped ions and their applications to quantum simulations, quantum information processing with continuous variables, quantum thermodynamics, and nonlinear quantum optics. Dzmitry was awarded a Ph.D. in Physics from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2006.

7 高温超导和拓扑超导的原子尺度调控











8 Toward Understanding the Evolution of Exoplanetary Systems: Occurrence Rate and Stellar Age

报告人:Kento Masuda,大阪大学





Orbits and physical properties of exoplanets may keep evolving after formation. For example, it has long been discussed that the shortest-period planets may have orbits unstable to tidal dissipation and spiral into their host stars. Recent transit observations of low-mass planets have also provided evidence for evaporation of their atmospheres, which provides clues to the internal composition of those planets. Understanding such evolution is crucial for comprehending the diversity of exoplanetary systems and placing our solar system in a broader context. In this talk, I will present our ongoing efforts to probe these changes statistically by examining the dependence of exoplanet occurrence rates on stellar age. I will discuss our recent work on deriving age-dependent occurrence rates of giant planets orbiting Sun-like stars using isochronal ages, and also mention insights into rotation-based ages from high-resolution spectroscopy of Sun-like stars in twin binaries.


Dr. Masuda is an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Space Science at Osaka University, Japan. Before joining Osaka University in 2020, he spent four years at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study in the United States. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Tokyo in 2016.

9 Pedagogical Lectures: A Glimpse into Non-perturbative Corrections in Quantum Gravity






Recent advances in understanding non-perturbative corrections in quantum gravity have led to remarkable breakthroughs, particularly in addressing longstanding puzzles such as the black hole information paradox. In this series of minilectures, I will explore these corrections through the lens of JT (Jackiw-Teitelboim) gravity, a tractable model of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Using this framework, I will demonstrate how the non-perturbative contributions to the gravitational path integral enable us to reproduce a version of the Page curve. The discussion will extend, at least briefly, to higher-dimensional black holes, including an examination of the "island" formula for computing entanglement entropy. Time permitting, I will apply similar techniques to analyze the factorization puzzle and the firewall paradox.

10 噪声在研究活性物质相变中的作用









11 Variational mean field methods for blockade-constrained spin systems and SU(2)k lattice gauge theory

报告人:Joey Li,奥地利科学院量子光学与量子信息研究所





In this talk I will discuss two different projects, unified by the theme of variational methods using “mean-field” type variational states. In the first part, I will introduce a variational manifold of simple tensor network states for the study of constrained spin systems as realized by Rydberg atom arrays. The approach provides a framework to perform the calculations required for variational energy minimization and variational time evolution. We apply this framework to the (generalized) PXP model on 1D, 2D, and 3D hypercubic lattices and show that in each case, it exhibits quantum phase transitions breaking the sublattice symmetry in equilibrium, and hosts quantum many-body scars out of equilibrium. Next, I discuss a variational study of the SU(2) level-k Kogut-Susskind model, which is a modification of the original SU(2) lattice gauge theory that truncates the infinite dimensional local Hilbert space to make it amenable to numerical and quantum simulation, and is also essentially a perturbation of the Levin-Wen string net model. We use a mean-field inspired ansatz that allows efficient analytical calculation of certain quantities and captures key properties of the ground state and low-lying excitations, including the transition between confined and deconfined (topologically ordered) phases. 


现在在Innsbruck大学和奥地利科学院IQOQI(量子光学与量子信息研究所)读博士,在Hannes Pichler 的研究组里。研究方向为量子多体物理,尤其关于tensor networks的应用。本科毕业于牛津大学。




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