原子核量子光学、量子点材料、超快太赫兹、微腔激子极化激元 | 本周物理讲座

学术   2024-12-24 09:30   北京  

1 量子点材料的大尺度第一性原理模拟








曾在平,河南省量子点材料国际联合实验室主任,河南省新一代量子点信息技术杰出外籍科学家工作室负责人,河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院特聘教授/教授,博士生导师。2014年毕业于希腊佩特雷大学获材料科学博士学位。2015年至2017年先后在希腊佩特雷大学、德国马克普朗克固体物理研究所、法国原子能与可再生能源委员会从事博士后研究工作。2018年3月全职回国,任河南大学特聘教授。2019年1月破格晋升教授。主要从事量子点材料光物理研究。迄今为止,作为主要完成人开发量子点材料大型计算模拟程序2套,实现了百万原子量子点体系光电和输运特性的全量子力学模拟。在Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Physical Review B等国际著名SCI源期刊发表高水平学术论文82篇,他引2400余次,单篇最高引用710次,ESI高被引5篇。主持在研和完成国家自然科学基金项目和河南省重点研发专项等国家和省部级项目6项。

2 基于超精细电子桥过程的钍-229原子核量子光学






钍-229原子核具有约8.36 eV的极低能同核异能态,其有望制造超高精度原子核钟,因而得到了实验和理论方面的广泛研究。如何高效制备该同核异能态是当前研究中的难点和热点,其中一种可能方案是利用电子桥(electronic bridge)过程。然而,现有的关于电子桥的研究都忽略了超精细结构以及电子态耗散的影响,而且这些工作集中于电子桥激发的微扰行为。在这个报告中,我将介绍我们最新引入的超精细电子桥过程以及基于双光子电子桥过程构建的六能级模型。基于非微扰的量子光学方法,我将展示超精细电子桥激发钍-229原子核的稳态行为以及利用受激拉曼绝热通道方法高效制备钍-229同核异能态。

3 Obtain Einstein equation from CFT2 and realize ER=EPR






I will demonstrate how to get Einstein equation from CFT_2.  A formula of extracting the dual metric from a given (mixed state) entanglement entropy will be presented. The QFT RG equation turns out to be a geometric identity. Finally, I will provide a concrete and computable realization of the ER=EPR conjecture.


杨海棠, 四川大学物理学院教授。1995年本科毕业于北京交通大学通讯专业,而后进入中科院应用数学所获得应用数学硕士学位。2000年于Washington University in St. Louis 物理系硕士毕业后进入MIT于2006年获得理论物理博士学位。2007年归国任电子科技大学教授,2012年加入四川大学。多年来一直从事弦理论及其相关的研究,近年的研究兴趣主要集中于弦理论的非微扰性质、对偶理论、纠缠与时空和引力理论。

4 Quantum Groups as Global Symmetries







We study quantum field theories which have quantum groups as global internal symmetries. We show that in such theories operators are generically non-local, and should be thought as living at the ends of topological lines. We describe the general constraints of the quantum group symmetry, given by Ward identities, that correlation functions of the theory should satisfy. We also show that generators of the symmetry can be represented by topological lines with some novel properties. We then discuss a particular example of Ug(sl2)symmetric CFT, which we solve using bootstrap techniques and relying on the symmetry. We finally show strong evidence that for a special value of g a subsector of this theory reproduces the fermionic formulation of the lsing model. This suggests that a quantum group can act on local operators as wel, however, it generically transforms theminto non-local ones.


Jiaxin Qiao is currently a postdoctoral researcher at EPFL. Prior to this, he received his PhD in Physics from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris -PSL in 2022, his MSc in Physics from École Normale Supérieure de Paris in 2019, and his BSc in Physics from Peking University in 2016.

5 微腔激子极化激元凝聚体和非平衡态动力学








熊启华,清华大学物理系教授。美国物理学会、材料研究学会和光学会会士,亚太材料科学院院士。1997年本科毕业于武汉大学物理系,2006年于宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得博士学位。2006-2009年在哈佛大学从事博士后研究。2009年至2021年间在南洋理工大学物理与应用物理系工作,历任助理教授、副教授和正教授。2017年获得国家特聘专家,2020年全职回到清华物理系建设实验室。主要研究领域是光与物质相互作用和超快光谱学。在国际知名杂志上发表了近340篇文章,其中包括Nature/Science及子刊40篇,PRL 2篇,总引用超过33000次,H-因子100。先后获得IUMRS Mid-Career Researcher Award (2024), 微腔光学成就奖(2023)、科睿唯安全球高被引科学家(2019-2023)、新加坡物理学会纳米科技奖(2015)、新加坡国立研究基金NRFI(2014)和NRFF (2009)、和南洋研究卓越奖(2014)等。目前担任《Nano Letters》等期刊副主编,以及多家期刊国际编委。共指导了20多位博士和50多位博士后,其中目前有40多位在美国、英国、印度、新加坡及国内高校及研究所任教职。

6 超快太赫兹STM的研究进展








吴克辉,1995年浙江大学物理系毕业,2000年在中国科学院物理研究所获博士学位。2000 年到2004年在日本东北大学金属材料研究所任博士后及助理教授。2004年至2024年在中国科学院物理研究所表面室任研究员、课题组长,2024年10月全职到浙江钱塘基础科学研究院担任讲席教授。主要研究方向: 扫描隧道显微学、低维量子材料的生长与物性。共发表 SCI 论文200多篇,总引用>1.4万次,H 指数49(根据谷歌学术)。

7 Bacterial dynamics near surfaces: entrapment, residence time, and surface diffusivity






Run-and-tumble is a common but vital strategy that bacteria employ to explore environment suffused with boundaries, as well as to escape from entrapment. We demonstrate that it is crucial to include a commonly neglected thermodynamic effect, through a model that provides analytic explanation of bacterial entrapment in two dimensionless parameters: the ratio of thermal energy to self-propulsion, and an intrinsic shape factor.  We then investigate how run-and-tumble strategy and the resulting dynamical behavior can be sensitively regulated by bacterial dimensions. Our results reveal that the logarithm of the surface residence time for bacteria with constant tumble bias is linearly related to a dimensionless parameter of bacterial intrinsic size characteristics, where a small variation in bacterial dimensions, which is natural in a suspension, reproduces well the large variation in bacterial residence time that is observed in experimental studies. Furthermore, our results predict that the optimal tumble bias corresponding to the maximum surface diffusivity depends strongly on bacterial intrinsic size characteristics, where the same small variation in bacterial dimensions gives rise to a strongly diversified optimal tumble bias.



8 Uncovering Early Galaxy Formation with JWST: A Modeling Perspective

报告人:Bingjie Wang,宾夕法尼亚州立大学





The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is transforming our understanding on galaxy formation and evolution, revealing distant galaxies deep into the epoch of reionization and red sources that were simply unknown pre-JWST. In this talk, I will discuss two key areas, with a focus on the challenges in modeling the spectral energy distributions in the JWST era. First, a central science goal of JWST is finding the first galaxies, which often requires modeling of photometric data to select candidates for spectroscopic follow-up. I will show the modeling work that turns the nearby cluster A2744 to one of deepest views of our universe, as part of the UNCOVER survey. The resulting rich, public dataset, reveals stellar populations across 0.2 < z < 13, and helps to lead to the discovery of the surprisingly large galaxies at z > 12. I will also briefly discuss how this exquisite dataset is poised to redefine our census of galaxy populations. Second, the optical/IR sensitivity of JWST has led to the discovery of compact red sources, initially interpreted as apparently massive galaxies at z > 7. This interpretation yields a strongly accelerated time line compared to standard models of galaxy growth. Yet, major uncertainties remain about their nature due to the limited photometric data. I will present detailed studies of these so-far mysterious "little red dots", enabled by the spectroscopic data from the RUBIES program. Remarkably, we find clear signatures of evolved stellar populations, the formation histories of which extend hundreds of millions of years into the past in galaxies only 600 -- 800 Myr after the big bang. Confoundingly, some of them exhibit broad Balmer emission lines, suggesting that dust-reddened AGNs contribute to, or even dominate, the spectral energy distributions red-ward of ~ rest 0.6μm. I will explore potential origins and evolutionary tracks, from the cores of massive galaxies to low-mass galaxies with over-massive black holes, and conclude with remaining puzzles and possible future directions to form a complete physical picture of these intriguing systems.


Dr. Bingjie Wang is an Assistant Research Professor at the Pennsylvania State University. Wang received her Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University in 2021. She has been at the forefront of JWST’s discovery of the early universe, finding some of the most distant galaxies and also the earliest old stars in the young universe. Her research focuses on developing sophisticated models to interpret the light from galaxies and their central black holes, bridging observations with theories of galaxy formation and evolution.

9 More is different: the beauty of multiband in iron-based superconductors






In a paradigm-shifting article “More is different” in 1972, Phil Anderson pointed out that new properties can emerge from a many-body system, which cannot be derived from the constituent particles. In this talk I would argue that even two or three can be regarded as “more” in the world of superconductors. During this talk, I will highlight the unnoticed beauty of multiband of i ron-based superconductors, including 1.  Emerge n ce of topological band which coexists with superconductivity, leading to the discovery of Majorana zero mode; 2. Interplay of multicomponent superconductivity, leading to the discoveries of exotic paring with time-reversal symmetry breaking and fractional vortex; 3. Contribution of Hund coupling towards pairing in this unique class of superconductors.



10 Gravitational wave of binary black holes: search strategy and ringdown analysis

报告人:Yifan Wang,Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)





Orbits and physical properties of exoplanets may keep evolving after formation. For example, it has long been discussed that the shortest-period planets may have orbits unstable to tidal dissipation and spiral into their host stars. Recent transit observations of low-mass planets have also provided evidence for evaporation of their atmospheres, which provides clues to the internal composition of those planets. Understanding such evolution is crucial for comprehending the diversity of exoplanetary systems and placing our solar system in a broader context. In this talk, I will present our ongoing efforts to probe these changes statistically by examining the dependence of exoplanet occurrence rates on stellar age. I will discuss our recent work on deriving age-dependent occurrence rates of giant planets orbiting Sun-like stars using isochronal ages, and also mention insights into rotation-based ages from high-resolution spectroscopy of Sun-like stars in twin binaries.


Dr. Yifan Wang is a postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute). He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and B.S. degree at University of Science and Technology of China. His current research interests are finding more compact binary coalescence systems through gravitational wave, utilizing more advanced search strategies or new waveform models incorporating novel physic effects.




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