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The Evolution in Sino-U.S.Technology Rivalry —Evidence from Chip Equipment Industry
Yanlong Zhang (Guanghua School of Management, Peking University)
Yijie Min (China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
Wanfang Hou (School of Information Management, Nanjing University)
Daxuan Shi (Guanghua School of Management, Peking University)
近年来, 国际商务领域的研究表明, 全球进入了一个充满科技地缘政治不确定性的时代, 尤其是由新技术民族主义引发的“科技冷战”局面。这种技术民族主义的做法将中国的技术发展与美国的国家安全和地缘政治利益挂钩, 并采取了以实体清单为代表的一系列限制措施, 以限制中国高科技企业的技术进步。现有研究探讨了美对华技术限制对跨国企业及中国高科技企业的影响, 然而大多研究将这些限制视为单一时点的事件, 忽视了限制政策的动态演变过程及其对技术领域的长期影响。本文以芯片制造行业为例, 并将美对华技术限制视为一个时变的、动态演化的过程: 首先, 本文基于知识图谱方法, 将全球芯片制造专利分解成 88个技术领域及其共现关系, 揭示了技术领域作为美国政策目标的特征。通过分析美国实体清单与中国国家集成电路产业基金投资企业的专利知识网络相似度发现, 中美两国的支持/限制策略呈现中等水平的共同演化趋势, 而非简单的对抗关系。进一步, 本文分析了技术领域的异质性, 探讨了各领域中科学、市场与政治因素的混合特征, 以及这些因素如何影响两国政策的差异。本文为理解中美技术博弈中的政策演化提供了新的视角, 并为未来相关研究提出了若干建议。
关键词:技术民族主义; 脱钩; 知识图谱; 国际经营
Keywords: Techno-Nationalism; Decoupling; Knowledge Map; International Business
To achieve our goals,we use a knowledge graph approach. We decompose global semiconductor manufacturing patents into 88 technological fields,mapped based on their co-occurrence relationships. This allows us to explore how U.S. restrictions and Chinese support policies target specific technologies. By comparing the patent knowledge networks of U.S. entity list firms and Chinese firms supported by the Big Fund,we identify patterns of co-evolution. This analysis provides insights into the overlap and divergence between the two countries’ strategies.
We find that U.S. and Chinese policies are not static but evolve over time. The United States has adopted increasingly specific restrictions,particularly during 2018—2020. However,these measures showed reduced continuity post-2020,influenced by shifts in political leadership. In contrast,China’s support policies through the Big Fund are remarkably consistent,focusing on building self-reliance in semiconductor design,manufacturing,and packaging. We also observe that the “needle-for-needle” adversarial strategy between the two countries peaked in 2020 and subsequently declined,suggesting adjustments in both nations’ approaches.
Our findings reveal that both countries prioritize policies targeting high-centrality technologies:Primarily targeting fields with high technological importance,particularly those critical to national security. Emphasize commercially promising technologies rather than exclusively addressing “choke-point” areas. Despite rhetoric about tackling weaknesses,we find that China invests more heavily in areas where it already has competitive strength.
Our analysis highlights that technological,market,and political factors shape policy decisions differently:Policies from both nations strongly focus on high-centrality fields in the knowledge network. Competitive fields attract more intervention from both countries. However,U.S. policies exhibit a greater focus on restricting scientific innovation,while China emphasizes supporting areas with immediate market potential. While U.S. measures show discontinuities influenced by political cycles,China maintains a steady trajectory of support,reflecting its centralized approach to industrial policy.
We find that U.S. and Chinese strategies exhibit a moderate degree of co-evolution. While both countries target similar technological areas,their approaches reflect different priorities. The United States emphasizes maintaining its dominance in critical areas,while China seeks to reduce its dependence on foreign technologies. Our results suggest that while the term “decoupling” implies complete separation,the reality is more nuanced. Both nations exhibit overlapping interests,leading to a complex dynamic rather than outright divergence.
We propose several avenues for future investigation:①Policy Drivers: Understanding the factors that influence countries’ choices of target technologies. ②Firm-Level Responses: Examining how firms navigate conflicting pressures from domestic support and foreign restrictions. ③ Micro-foundations of Decoupling: Analyzing how firm strategies and technological developments contribute to broader patterns of decoupling.
In conclusion,we have shown that Sino-U.S. technological competition is a dynamic and evolving process. We provide evidence of co-evolution in their policies,with both nations targeting high-centrality and competitive fields. While the United States demonstrates fluctuations in its restrictions,China maintains a consistent trajectory of support. This interplay shapes the global semiconductor industry and has far-reaching implications for technological development. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding these dynamics at the level of technological fields rather than industries. By doing so,we reveal the subtleties in how policies are formulated and their impacts on innovation. We believe this approach can provide valuable insights for policymakers and researchers alike. We invite future studies to build on our methodology and findings to deepen the understanding of technological nationalism and its role in shaping global technological landscapes.
原文引用:张闫龙, 闵亦杰, 侯万方, 史大譞. 中美芯片设备行业的科技竞争演变[J]. 经济管理学刊, 2024, 3(4): 94-118.
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