文章来源: 物理学前沿FOP刊
Call for Papers
Special Topic: Advances in Metamaterials
Editors: Minghui Lu, Huanyang Chen, Yangyang Fu & Xiujuan Zhang
Aims & Scope
This special topic aims to explore the latest research progress and breakthrough in metamaterials, focusing on two key directions: From Theory to Applications Enabled by Functional Units: Discover how engineered functional units overcome natural material limitations, enabling groundbreaking designs and transformative applications in wave manipulation, from electromagnetics to acoustics and quantum systems.
Harnessing the Power of Spatial and Time Assembly: Investigate how deliberate arrangements of functional units in space and time unlock extraordinary properties, driving advancements in non-Hermitian physics, topological phenomena, and space-time wave dynamics.
This journal is abbreviated as "Front. Phys. (Beijing)". JCR Impact Factor: 6.5; Journal Ranking: 11/112, Q1.
We look forward to your submission!
Guest Editors
卢明辉,南京大学教授,博导。国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金计划获得者,万人计划科技创新领军人才。主要从事超构材料、人工微结构材料、光声检测技术方面的研究,迄今授权中外专利40余项,在Science, Nature, Nature Mater., Nature Phys., Nature Rev. Phys., Nature Commun., PRL, NSR等国际一流刊物上发表论文250余篇,文章他引16000余次,H-index 62,2007年获得"中国基础研究十大新闻",2010年获得全国优秀博士学位论文奖,2015年获国家自然科学二等奖(排名第2),2024年获江苏省青年科技杰出贡献奖等荣誉。
张秀娟, 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院副教授,博士生导师。主要从事人工微结构材料、拓扑物理、非厄米物理方向的研究,在Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Advanced Science等国际期刊发表成果30余篇,被引2000余次,主持国家优秀青年基金项目、国家重点研发计划青年项目、国家自然科学基金、江苏省科技计划专项资金前沿引领技术基础研究重大项目等科研项目,获第二十届中国青年女科学家奖、江苏省青年科技创新“U35攀峰”人选等荣誉。