电影"The Platform"深度赏析(含视频)

文化   2024-10-12 18:37   山东  

The  film "The Platform", which is wildly promoted by platforms such as Douyin and Douban, is believed to have brought a huge impact to all audiences. 


Just as it is said on the poster, this film 

is an unprecedented witness to human bestiality. 

How exactly does it present the theme?


The film describes a simple story. The protagonist, Glenn, voluntarily enters the prison in order to quit smoking and finish reading "Don Quixote". When he enters, he only finds out that it is a hollow prison pit divided into 333 levels.


Food will be sent down from level 0. It will stay on each level for a certain period of time for prisoners to eat. This means that the lower levels can only eat the leftovers left by the upper levels. And the prisoners assigned to the lower levels will get less food.


What is even more desperate is that the floor assigned to prisoners will change randomly every month. For example, the poor Glenn was originally assigned to the 48th floor, but when he wakes up, he is on the 171st floor.


In the contest of survival, Glenn comes into contact with different groups of people and tastes the test of life and death. And when he is about to be assimilated by this cruel atmosphere, Glenn still maintains a kind heart and attempts to change the current situation of the prison.


Almost all the plots, scenes and even every line of dialogue in the film are worthy of scrutiny. Next, the editor will analyze the film from “four contrasts”, “five keywords” and “six settings”. Will it resonate with you?

影片中几乎所有的剧情、场景甚至每一句台词,都值得推敲。接下来,小编会从“四个对比”、“五个关键词” 和 “六个设定” 对影片进行解析,看是否会引起你的共鸣呢?

Four Contrasts (四个对比)


Contrast Between the Outside and

Inside of the Prison  


At the beginning of the movie, there is a busy kitchen, neat uniforms, and delicious meals. The “executors” and “supervisors” methodically fulfill the “duty” of cooking. The abundant ingredients seem to be singing praises for peace. Everything here is in sharp contrast to the life of hungry wolves pouncing on food in the prison.

电影开篇,忙碌的厨房、整洁的制服、可口的餐饭,“执行者”与“监督者” 有条不紊的履行烹饪的“义务”,富足的食材仿佛在歌颂太平。这里的一切与监狱里饿狼扑食的生活做出鲜明的对比。

They each perform their own duties and are conscientious. They won't even let go of the dust on the food. It is more like preparing a sumptuous dinner for a gathering of dignitaries than preparing food for prisoners. Do they know the real form inside the prison? Perhaps they don't know.



Contrast Between the Upper Level 

and the Lower Level of the Prison


The operating mechanism of the prison is destined to result in an uneven distribution of the “cake” between the upper and lower levels. The higher the level, the more abundant the food. The closer to the lower level, the less food there will be left. There are even signs of “people eating people”. Simply depicted from the material distribution, the contrast between the lives of the upper and lower levels of the prison is vividly portrayed.

监狱运营的机制注定了上层与下层的“蛋糕”分配不均。越是上层的人,吃食就会越丰盛。越靠近下层的人,吃食便会所剩无几,甚至出现 “人吃人” 的迹象。简简单单从物质分配进行刻画,监狱上下层生活的对比淋漓尽致。

In addition, the conversation between Glenn and the old man can also reflect the great differences in spiritual construction between the upper and lower levels. When Glenn put forward his theory, the old man sneered and pointed out the cruel reality: the upper level will not choose to “share a piece of the pie” or “eat one less piece of meat” out of sympathy for the hardships of the lower level; the lower level, these people who can't even meet the basic needs of living, will not talk about any nonsense of equally distributing food.

除此之外,格伦和老头的对话也能体现上下层精神建设上的迥异。当格伦提出自己的理论时,老头嗤之以鼻,并指出了残酷的现实:上层不会为了体恤下层的疾苦而选择 “分一杯羹”、“少吃一块肉”;下层,这些连活着的基本需求都无法满足的人,是不会去谈什么扯淡的均分食物的。

And one day, someone from the well-fed upper level actually chose to jump off a building and commit suicide.


This is actually not surprising and is completely in line with the human pyramid law.



Contrast Between the Intended 

Message and the Received Message


Remember that Italian panna cotta that shows one's intention?


The supervisor is concerned about the quality of the food, not the message conveyed by the prison people. Perhaps it's not that he doesn't care, but rather that he simply hasn't thought about it at that level. Tasting this, it's actually quite sad.


The voices of the lower classes are hard to reach the ears of the upper classes because the upper classes won't listen to you. Even if they do hear, they may not be able to empathize. Even if the desired message is successfully transmitted to the upper levels, they may not necessarily understand.


This despairing gap is like a strong earthquake in the deep sea. What reaches the sea level is only a small wavelet, giving the audience a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.



Contrast Between the Cruel Reality 

and the Kind Heart 


Does the film really only aim to convey a kind of despair that classes cannot be shaken? Not entirely.


The protagonist Glenn has maintained a kind heart from beginning to end. He has the courage to change and thinks about all the people. In such a cruel reality, he chooses to follow his heart. When the panna cotta he is determined to defend encounters the little girl on the 333rd floor, he finally chooses to give the panna cotta to the little girl.


Although the ending of the story is not beautiful, it is more like a satire. Perhaps the screenwriter is calling for people to still maintain a kind, persistent, and considerate heart in this cruel real society. If everyone has such a state of mind, realizing "communism" is not an empty talk.


 Five Keywords (五个关键词)


Assimilation 同化

At the beginning of the movie, when the protagonist Glenn first entered the prison, he was contemptuous of the food on the dining table and the way his roommate swallowed the meal, and even found it disgusting. But later, in order to survive, he not only accepted the leftovers that might have been urinated on by the upper levels, but even chose to gnaw on his roommate's maggot-infested corpse.


It's not hard to see that when a person is in such a general environment, whether he likes it or not, he will be assimilated by the atmosphere in the general environment. For survival, "I have become the person I hate the most." Probably this is the truth.



Kindness 善良

On the last day of staying on the 48th floor, Glenn had a final heart-to-heart and friendly conversation with his roommate. During the exchange, the old man admitted that Glenn is a person with a kind heart, but at the same time denied the possibility of his survival in this prison.


In this prison where the strong prey on the weak, it is impossible to survive with only a kind heart. Here, directly through the conversation, the value of "beautiful human nature" in the animalistic society is denied.

在这个弱肉强食的监狱,仅凭一颗善良的心是无法生存的。此处直接通过对话否认了兽性社会 “美好的人性” 在其中的价值。


Obviously  显而易见

"Obviously" is the catchphrase of Glenn's roommate and also one of the key words that run through the first half of the film. Explained in terms of meaning, things and truths are very obvious and extremely easy to see clearly. What does the repeated appearance of this word in the play show? The general environment of the prison, the sinister nature of people's hearts, and the scenes of fighting each other for survival are already commonplace things.


Only people like Glenn who have just entered the prison will find it abnormal, while everything that happens here is already a matter of course for those who have experienced it. These words are full of real and sharp satire and echo the above key word "assimilation".

只有才进入监狱的格伦这类人才会觉得异常,而这里所发生的一切对过来人而言已经是见怪不怪的事。显而易见四个字充满了真实而尖锐地讽刺,并与上面的关键词 “同化” 相互呼应。


Menu  菜单

The plot uses the technique of flashbacks to fully display Glenn's entire process of entering the prison. When the prison worker asks Glenn about his favorite food, Glenn shows a brief look of surprise and confusion. Finally, his half-closed eyes can be inferred that a glimmer of luck and joy has sprouted in his heart. "This prison is so great. You can even customize your diet." He may secretly rejoice in his heart.


Mapping it to real life, the implied meaning is also very profound. The "rules" formulated by the "managers" actually take the interests of citizens into account. Even the starting point of these "rules" is to let citizens live a better life. However, whether there are deviations in the implementation process and whether the benefits are distributed to everyone is open to discussion.

映射到现实生活中来,其中的寓意也非常刻骨。“管理者” 制定的 “规则”,其实是有将市民的利益考虑进去的,甚至这些‘规则’的出发点也是为了让市民过上更好的生活,但在执行的过程中是否有偏差、利益是否分配到每个人头上,就有待商榷了。


Don Quixote  堂吉诃德

Do you feel that Glenn's image seems familiar from somewhere? That's right. His image is actually very similar to the image of Don Quixote in various versions. 



Recall again, the book that Glenn brought in and the story his roommate hoped he would tell, is it also Don Quixote?


When a keyword appears repeatedly, there must be its implied meaning. In fact, the protagonist Glenn is destined to become "Don Quixote in prison". 


Don Quixote is a down-and-out squire. He loves knight literature and decides to imitate knights and go out to act chivalrously, but in the end he suffers a lot and doesn't wake up until on his deathbed. Such an idealist is no different from Glenn's character. 


The reason Glenn voluntarily enters prison is to achieve self-management. His absurd act of bringing books into the survival game and his ideal way of breaking the prison status  and evenly distributing food make his roommate and fellow prisoners unable to understand. 


But is Glenn's idea really wrong?


    Six Settings(六个设定)

This kind of anti-utopian movie must have a complex setting and often corresponds to certain elements in reality.



Social Class  社会阶层

The concept that the prison pit wants to metaphorize is obviously social class.


Starting from level 0, people on the next level can only eat the leftovers of the people on the upper level. However, these leftovers are divided into good or bad, more or less, and with or without.


In real society, "food" is distributed in this way. The so-called upper-class people always have more power, wealth, and opportunities... The further down you go, of course, there will be less and less "food".


The setting of the prison pit is that everyone may change levels every month. Some people can change from lower-class people to upper-class people and experience a month of living in luxury. Upper-class people become lower-class people, endure the leftovers of one person, or lose their lives forever on that level, or end the lives of others.


After staying in the prison pit for a long time, many people clearly accept this rule and endure the wealth gap brought about by different levels. On the one hand, they complain about the plundering of the upper class, but when they become the upper class, their previous complaints turn into a new round of plundering.


This frequently changing social class has cultivated the inertia of thinking of most people in the prison pit. Anyway, as long as I get through this month, I can be in a superior position next month. Who cares about the life and death of others?


In this extreme prison pit, it not only reflects some social realities but also discusses the possibility of "human nature is originally evil."



利己现实主义者  Egoistic Realist

Here he comes, here he comes. He is coming with a samurai sword plus.


As the roommate of the protagonist Glenn, the old man has a full role in the first half of the story. With such a large amount of space to depict the old man, it can be imagined that he is definitely not simple. The information that the editor wants to convey to us through him is also very much.


The image of the old man corresponds to the egoistic realist in society. Although he is not an extremely evil person, he can draw his sword for survival. When they are assigned to the 48th floor and are basically full, he can chat with Glenn. Even when Glenn is insulted by the lower level, he vents his anger for him.


But after a month, when he is assigned to the 171st floor, his attitude changes significantly. He didn't directly kill Glenn but tied him up because he was afraid that Glenn would kill him due to insufficient food distribution. When he realized that there was very little food on the 171st floor and there was no way out, the idea of "eating people" emerged. It can be seen that the old man is not an extremely evil person and is even inclined to conservatism. But in the end, he picked up a weapon for survival and instead ended his own life.

但一个月后分配到171层,他的态度发生明显转变。他没有直接杀掉格伦,而是将他捆绑起来,原因是害怕格伦因为食物不够分配而杀掉他。当他意识到171层的食物寥寥无几,走投无路时,才把 “吃人” 的想法萌生出来。可见老头并非极恶之人,甚至偏向保守主义。但最终为了生存拿起了武器,反而终结了自己。


Pioneer of the Madonna Revolution

圣 母 革 命 先 锋

A character with a slightly religious color. Looking at it without a religious perspective, it is more like a pioneer and a madman who disrupts the system.


The image of a beautiful appearance and a kind heart has left a deep impression on the audience. In order to find her own daughter (pursuing the true, the good, and the beautiful), this Asian woman is willing to descend to the bottommost level of the prison (sacrificing her own interests) and fight with everyone on each level who wants to persecute her by violent means.


The Asian woman has been constantly searching for her child in the film, persevering. She may come from any level but does not belong to any level. She always follows her own beliefs until she dies.



 Idealist  理想主义者

Here, there are two representatives of idealists: Glenn who goes from top to bottom and the black man who goes from bottom to top.


Let's talk about Glenn first. Glenn's averaging theory was clearly put forward at the very beginning. On relatively upper floors, he called on people on each floor to distribute food equally. And on the last floor, he used a complete milk jelly to show their determination to level 0. But obviously, it is impossible to talk about a "mutual help society" while ignoring the "contradiction of realistic needs". Glenn's firm idealism also ultimately destroyed him.


Next is this black guy who has always wanted to climb up. His actions and ideological concepts echo each other. They both want to change the status quo from bottom to top. Does it look very much like the "students" in various historical events? Simple, sincere, thinking that one can change the world by oneself, but also easily deceived and incited. The full ideal is ultimately no match for the cruel reality.


Finally, "there are always many obstacles on the way of climbing up. In real life, achieving class mobility is not an easy thing in itself."


First of all, it depends on whether the people above you are willing. The higher you go up the pyramid, the richer social resources people have. Who would be willing to cut their own cake smaller and give it to the lower class? Of course, there are truly kind-hearted people, but who can guarantee that you will meet kind-hearted people all the way?


In addition, the movie sets this person who wants to climb up with a rope as a black person. The racial implication is self-evident.



智者 Wise Man

When Glenn and the big black man decided to use violent means to send food to each level from top to bottom, they encountered a wise man.


The wise man told them that their idea was good, but they should have basic etiquette and persuade first and then use force. The wise man is likely to represent some moderate religious or political leaders in society who maintain order through peaceful rather than violent means.


The wise man also told them that if they want to convey their ideas, they need a piece of food as a symbol to convey their ideas through it.


But the activity that was originally called a "peaceful protest" by the big black man, which was intended to let people on every level of the prison have enough to eat, ended up using violent means and hurting the people they should have protected. It is really very ironic.


Here, the wise man has instead become an image of being too wise and inevitably getting hurt.



Truth, Kindness and Beauty 真 善 美

The little girl is the clue running through the whole story, but she only appears on the last level. At this time, it will cause everyone to think deeply. Does the little girl really exist? Perhaps the audience already has their own answer in mind.


In the opinion of the editor, in fact, the little girl doesn't exist. She is just a character fantasized by the dying Glenn. Such a character is more like the spiritual sustenance of the protagonist and an illusion of the combination of truth, kindness and beauty.


“Hunger makes people crazy”, but in a purgatory-like world, having a soul of truth, kindness and beauty is even more important. 


The film is not only to expose the gap between classes, but also uses realistic techniques to appeal to people's kindest side.


Anti-utopian films are bound to be not just for exposing reality, but more for the hope of a beautiful future.

