
文摘   2024-11-26 13:41   四川  


Strong study habits and methods empower children to learn effectively, master concepts, improve performance, and build confidence. Poor habits, however, can hinder progress and impact future learning. At Qs School, we foster effective habits and strategies in a dynamic, supportive environment. Backed by a comprehensive online and offline system, we ignite a lifelong passion for learning and confidence in success.



Build great habits and master effective methods—join the 2025 January Holiday Program!

日校一、二年级的学生好奇心浓厚,渴望探索广阔世界,处于阅读与写作学习的黄金敏感时期。针对这一时期孩子的特点和需求,Qs School 特别为1-2年级的学生在即将来临的2025一月假期班精心设计了Level 2和Level 3的阅读与写作课程。

  • 养成好的阅读、写作习惯,受益一生
  • 持续激发阅读写作热情,让孩子愿意表达、热爱创作
  • 这趟阅读之旅神奇有趣,孩子喜欢
  • 同时也为未来各方面学习能力打下坚实基础

Year 1 and Year 2 students are profoundly curious, eager to explore the vast world around them, and are in the optimal sensitive period for learning reading and writing. Given the unique characteristics and needs of children at this stage, Qs School has meticulously crafted Level 2 and Level 3 Reading Club / Writing Mechanics Workshop for the upcoming January holiday program.



Progress step by step toward excellence—join

2025 Term 1 !

Qs2025 Term1 Level 2,3 Empower课程,包含科目: 数学、英文、写作、逻辑思维。每周上课一次,每次3小时。系统培训,对学生的日常学习和奖学金考试至关重要。

  • 名师授课
  • 每周一个重要的知识点
  • 不同广度深度的强化学习
  • 注重学术+情商教育,培养高分高能人才

Qs 2025 Term1 Level 2,3  Empower (offline or online) are weekly courses that provide systemically training to enhance students' academic capabilities which are essential for their daily studies and their scholarship exams. It includes Math, Reading Comprehension, Writing and expression, reasoning and problem solving, and application of existing knowledge. Each term, the students are tested in all four subjects and provided with a detailed report which focuses on knowledge points, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.


2025 年Term 1 和一月假期班火热报名中,请尽快联系各校区咨询及报名以确保您的位置。Availability is running out fast, so it is essential for parents and students to enrol as soon as possible to ensure their spot in the class.

众多孩子屡获殊荣, 奖学金门槛不断打通,Qs奥数课程揭晓答案


Qs 一月Trial Test假期班福利:奖学金咨询顾问为您提供1对1选校策略个体服务

Qs School一月假期考前冲刺班:高效提分,全面提升关键能力!

通关奖学金、精英公校、ICAS 写作的秘籍


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中小学教育, 高分高能, 情商+学术,奖学金。Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校, 培养心智快乐, 高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯, 实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能