
文摘   情感   2024-10-08 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • 如果你是一座孤岛,我愿意成为那片环绕你的海洋,守护你的美丽与神秘。If you were a solitary island, I'd be the sea that surrounds you, guarding your beauty and mystery.

  • 我的世界是一个庞大的图书馆,而你,是我借了就不想还的那本书。My world is a vast library, and you are the book I've borrowed and never want to return.

  • 你是我深夜里的咖啡香,唤醒了沉睡的梦境,温暖了深夜的心房。You are the aroma of coffee in my late nights, awakening the sleeping dreams and warming the heart in the still of the night.

  • 如果可以,我愿意用我所有的幸运星,去换取你每天的笑脸。If I could, I'd trade all my lucky stars for the smile on your face every day.

  • 你是我的私人定制,用心编织的密码,只有你能解开。You are my custom-made, a password woven with care, meant to be unlocked only by you.

  • 在无数个宇宙中,我只愿意在你身边醒来,因为你就是我的宇宙。Of all the universes in existence, I only want to wake up by your side, for you are my universe.

  • 你的笑容,是我最想捕捉的风景,我用一生去定格。Your smile is the view I long to capture, and I'll spend a lifetime trying to freeze-frame it.

  • 我愿意做你的时差,让你在每个孤独的夜晚,都能找到我的存在。I want to be your time zone, so that on every lonely night, you can find me.

  • 你是我的诗篇,读了千百遍也不厌倦,每个字都藏着深深的爱恋。You are my poetic verse, never tiring even after a thousand readings, each word a secret harbor of love.

  • 如果可以,我愿意把我的心做成一副扑克,每张牌上都写着你的名字。If I could, I'd turn my heart into a deck of cards, with your name written on every single one.



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