
文摘   情感   2024-12-14 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

      • "我发现自己有个毛病,一见到你,所有的矜持和理智都自动下线,只剩下想靠近你的冲动。"
        "I’ve realized I have a problem—every time I see you, all my composure and logic shut down, leaving only the urge to get closer to you."

      • "你是我无法拒绝的冒险,每靠近一步,心跳就更快一分,甘愿迷失在你身边。"
        "You are the adventure I can’t resist—every step closer makes my heart race faster, and I’m willing to lose myself by your side."

      • "你的存在像一场风暴,卷走了我所有的冷静,只留下对你的渴望。"
        "Your presence is like a storm, sweeping away all my calm and leaving only a longing for you."

      • "每次你靠近,我的世界就像被点燃了一样,连空气都开始发烫。"
        "Every time you come close, my world feels like it’s been set on fire, and even the air starts to heat up."

      • "我以为我很坚强,直到你出现,轻而易举地攻陷了我的所有防线。"
        "I thought I was strong, until you came along and effortlessly broke through all my defenses."

      • "你的声音像一根看不见的丝线,每次响起,都把我的心牢牢牵住,无法挣脱。"
        "Your voice is like an invisible thread; every time it sounds, it ties my heart tightly, and I can’t break free."

      • "你是一场没有出口的迷宫,而我甘愿在其中徘徊,只因为那里有你。"
        "You’re a maze with no exit, and I’m willing to wander within it, just because you’re there."

      • "你的笑容像一滴蜜,滴进我的心里,甜得让我再也无法忘记。"
        "Your smile is like a drop of honey, falling into my heart and making it so sweet I can never forget it."

      • "你像一颗糖,明明甜得让我上瘾,却又带着一点点危险的刺激,让人欲罢不能。"
        "You’re like a candy—so sweet it’s addictive, yet with a hint of dangerous thrill that keeps me craving more."

      • "你是我的秘密,藏在心底,却又忍不住想让全世界知道,我爱你。"
        "You’re my secret, hidden in my heart, yet I can’t help wanting the whole world to know—I love you."



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