Nature Ecology & Evolution | 对旱地及其脊椎动物生物多样性当前和未来面临的威胁进行全球评估

文摘   2024-07-05 10:02   中国  

Fig. 1: Global drylands and subtypes (UNEP-WCMC)
Fig. 2: Protected areas in drylands.
Fig. 3: Range size protection and threat status of terrestrial vertebrate species in drylands.
Fig. 4: Protection of amphibian, bird, mammal and reptile dryland species (≥50% global range in drylands) according to representation targets.
Fig. 5: Threats to terrestrial vertebrate species in drylands.

Fig. 6: Current and future land-use scenarios in drylands.
Extended Data Fig. 1
Extended Data Fig. 2: Protected areas of global drylands and subtypes.
Extended Data Fig. 3: Protected areas of WWF biomes in drylands.
Extended Data Fig. 4: Proportion range size protected and IUCN threat status of amphibian (a), bird (b), mammal (c), and reptile (d) species by continent in drylands (≥50% global range in drylands).
Extended Data Fig. 5: IUCN threat status of amphibian, bird, mammal, and reptile species in drylands (≥50% global range in drylands) by range size according to representation targets.
Extended Data Fig. 6: Types of threats affecting amphibian (a), bird (b), mammal (c), and reptile (d) threatened species (in IUCN categories CR, EN, VU) in non-drylands (≥50% global range in non-drylands).
Extended Data Fig. 7: Current land-use patterns in drylands LUH2 (2015) (a), and under shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), SSP1-2.6 (2100) (b), SSP2-4.5 (2100) (c), and SSP5-8.5 (2100) (d).
Extended Data Fig. 8: Change of land cover fraction of grids occupied by land types: cropland (a), pasture (b), rangeland (c), and urban land (d) relative to current values LUH2 (2015) under shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP), SSP1-2.6 (2100).
Extended Data Fig. 9: Change of land cover fraction of grids occupied by land types: cropland (a), pasture (b), rangeland (c), and urban land (d) relative to current values LUH2 (2015) under shared socioeconomic pathway, SSP2-4.5 (2100).
Extended Data Fig. 10: Change of land cover fraction of grids occupied by land types: cropland (a), pasture (b), rangeland (c), and urban land (d) relative to current values LUH2 (2015) under shared socioeconomic pathway, SSP5-8.5 (2100).

