
文摘   情感   2024-12-10 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

    • "每次靠近你,我就像一颗未爆的烟花,随时准备在你面前炸开,点亮你的夜空。""Every time I get close to you, I feel like an unlit firework, ready to explode in front of you and light up your night sky."

    • "你走过的地方,我会偷偷记住,因为那里藏着我的每一次心跳。""The places you’ve walked, I secretly remember, because each one holds a beat of my heart."

    • "你是我身边那道无声的诱惑,近得让我无法抗拒,却又远得让我觉得每一秒都像是在等待。""You are the silent temptation beside me, close enough for me to resist, but distant enough that every second feels like waiting."

    • "我可能不是个好诗人,但你一靠近,我的心跳就开始写诗,字字都是对你的思念。""I may not be a great poet, but when you’re near, my heart starts writing poems, each word filled with longing for you."

    • "你是我心中最危险的游戏,每次挑战自己接近你,结果却越陷越深。""You’re the most dangerous game in my heart; every time I dare to get closer, I only fall deeper."

    • "你就像是夜空里最亮的星,总在我最需要的时候出现,而我,总是忍不住想要为你点燃全世界。""You’re like the brightest star in the night sky, always showing up when I need you most, and I can’t help but want to set the world on fire for you."

    • "你是我心中的迷人烟雾,散发着无法逃避的诱惑,而我只能沉溺在你的温柔里。""You’re the enchanting mist in my heart, radiating irresistible temptation, and I can only drown in your tenderness."

    • "每次听到你的名字,我的心都会失控跳动,仿佛你是我情感的密码,只有你能解开。""Every time I hear your name, my heart loses control, as if you are the password to my emotions, and only you can unlock it."

    • "你是那颗遥不可及的心跳,让我每次追寻时都感到无比的悸动,仿佛能触碰到所有的欲望。""You’re the unreachable heartbeat, making every chase feel like a rush, as if I could touch every desire."

    • "每次你对我笑,我就像被点燃的火焰,瞬间化作炙热的炭,只为了继续燃烧你的目光。""Every time you smile at me, I feel like a fire ignited, instantly turning into hot coals, just to keep burning under your gaze."



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