
文摘   情感   2024-12-11 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

    • "你的存在就像禁忌果实,我明知道靠近会失控,却还是忍不住想咬上一口。"
      "Your existence is like a forbidden fruit—I know approaching it will make me lose control, yet I can’t resist taking a bite."

    • "每次看见你,我都觉得自己像个小偷,因为我总忍不住想把你偷进我的怀里。"
      "Every time I see you, I feel like a thief because I can’t help but want to steal you into my arms."

    • "你是我心底的小秘密,别人看到的只是平静,而我藏着对你的每一丝渴望。"
      "You’re my little secret; others see only my calm, while I hide every bit of yearning for you."

    • "我愿是夜里的风,偷偷钻进你的窗,将我的爱细细铺满你的梦境。"
      "I wish I were the night breeze, slipping through your window, spreading my love across your dreams."

    • "你走进我的世界时,我的心像被点燃了一场大火,连灵魂都开始融化。"
      "When you stepped into my world, it felt like a fire ignited in my heart, melting even my soul."

    • "你是不是在我的生命里偷偷种了一颗种子?它发芽了,现在叫‘想你’。"
      "Did you secretly plant a seed in my life? It’s sprouted now, and it’s called ‘missing you.’"

    • "每次靠近你,我都觉得空气变甜了,像你身上藏了一整个糖果屋。"
      "Every time I get close to you, the air feels sweeter, like you’re hiding an entire candy house on you."

    • "我不是在看你,我是在欣赏我的整个宇宙,你是那颗最明亮的恒星。"
      "I’m not just looking at you; I’m admiring my entire universe, with you as its brightest star."

    • "我发现,每次你靠近,我的心跳就变成一首情歌,唱给你听却怕你听不懂。"
      "I’ve realized that every time you get close, my heartbeat turns into a love song, sung for you yet afraid you won’t understand."

    • "你是我人生的冒险,每次看着你,都是一次跌入深渊的心跳挑战。"
      "You’re the adventure of my life; every time I look at you, it feels like a heart-pounding dive into the abyss."



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