"The sky is the limit" 是一句常用的英语句子,意思是没有限制或者可能性是无限的。这句话用来表达某人或某事的潜力、能力或者成功是没有上限的,可以尽可能地大或者高。简而言之,就是说“没有做不到,只有想不到”。
Career Aspirations(职业抱负)
English: "With your talent and work ethic, the sky is the limit for your career."
中文: “以你的才华和工作态度,你的职业前景无限广阔。”
Financial Goals(财务目标)
English: "If you invest wisely, the sky is the limit when it comes to building wealth."
中文: “如果你投资得当,积累财富的潜力是无限的。”
Educational Achievements(教育成就)
English: "With hard work and dedication, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can learn and achieve academically."
中文: “只要努力和专注,你在学习和学术成就上可以达到无限的高度。”
Creative Endeavors(创意尝试)
English: "In the world of art, the sky is the limit for creativity and self-expression."
中文: “在艺术的世界里,创造力和自我表达的潜力是无限的。”
Business Expansion(商业扩张)
English: "With the right strategy and team, the sky is the limit for our business growth."
中文: “有了正确的策略和团队,我们的业务增长潜力无限。”
Personal Development(个人发展)
English: "If you keep pushing yourself, the sky is the limit for your personal development."
中文: “如果你不断自我挑战,你的个人发展潜力是无限的。”
Technological Advancements(技术进步)
English: "In technology, the sky is the limit when it comes to innovation and discovery."
中文: “在技术领域,创新和发现的潜力是无限的。”
这些例子展示了“the sky is the limit”这个成语在不同情境下的应用,强调了在各个领域追求卓越和无限可能的态度。
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