to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.关于食品安全的争论引起了全国关注。
If a book doesn't engage my interest in the first few pages, I don't usually continue reading it.如果一本书的前几页不能引起我的兴趣,通常我就不再往下读了。
不过最近我看之前的一篇高考完形填空,因为把它改编成了一篇读后续写2020年7月浙江高考完形填空改编成读后续写:My dog stole my tractor
Lamb and mother reunited, I turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me. This was so unexpected that it took me a moment to process what was happening. I’d put the handbrake on when I jumped out, as I always do, and I knew Don wasn’t able to release it – had it not engaged properly? I still don’t know how, but it was clear that Don had somehow set the vehicle in motion. He was watching me, without any obvious concern, as the tractor careered away.
最近完形中学到的一个表达,简单又高级... is too mild a word to describe my feeling
2024年6月全国I卷读后续写下水作文The Best Taxi Driver
整本书阅读公开课:Charlotte's Web Chapter 1 Before Breakfast
英文版《四季中国》(Seasons of China)22 冬至
【考场下水作文】2017年11月A Vacation with My Mother
我的考场作文之读后续写:The best Christmas present ever
#高一读后续写#不妨从简单的寓言故事开始(1)The Elephant and the Ant
BBC纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China全季6集(在线观看)
写作微技能:Show not tell之Sensory details
换种思路教续写:从完形填空到读后续写A junior doctor's story
原创课件:人教新教材B2U3The Internet Reading for Writing
原创课件:人教新教材B2U3The Internet Reading and Thinking(含教学设计)
从阅读理解的主旨要义到概要写作PPT: Reading and Writing for the Gist