专业知识梳理:我深入复习了航海专业的核心知识,包括《国际海上避碰规则 1972》中 38 条规则的细节、船舶操纵原理、各类航海仪器的操作与维护规范。例如,精准掌握规则中各条款适用场景及应对策略,像交叉相遇局面下本船作为让路船的行动准则,以及能见度不良时复杂情况下的操作流程等。对船舶操纵性指数、旋回圈要素等理论知识做到透彻理解,确保能灵活运用于实际航行问题分析。航海仪器方面,熟悉雷达、AIS、ECDIS 等设备功能、误差源及校准方法,熟知不同型号设备操作差异与常见故障排除技巧,为面试中技术问题解答筑牢根基。
清晰简洁:以沉稳自信的语气开场,简洁阐述自己姓名、毕业院校及专业背景,着重强调多年航海经历中积累的扎实专业素养与丰富实践经验。如 “我毕业于 [院校名称] 航海技术专业,在校期间系统学习航海专业知识体系,成绩优异,奠定坚实理论基础。毕业后投身航海事业,在多艘船舶任职,积累丰富实操经验,能熟练应对各种复杂航海情境,为担任三副一职积累充足能量。”
避碰规则:面对规则相关问题,凭借对规则条文的深刻理解与丰富实际运用经验,准确迅速作答。如阐述第 15 条交叉相遇局面规则时,清晰说明当两艘机动船交叉相遇致碰撞风险时,本船作为让路船应向右转向从他船船尾驶过,详细分析在不同相对方位、航速比及海域环境下的操作要点与注意事项,同时结合以往实际航行中类似场景案例辅助说明,如某次在繁忙海峡与他船形成交叉局面,依据规则精准操作成功避碰,增强回答可信度与生动性。
情景模拟:面对船舶紧急情况假设题,迅速启动应急响应思维模式。如遇人员落水情景,立即阐述按顺序执行的应急步骤:先精准按下 GPS 上 M.O.B 按钮记录位置,同步高频呼叫船长、拉响警报,果断操舵转向落水者避免螺旋桨伤害,依据应急预案组织船员开展救援行动,详述不同海况、船舶状态下救援部署与注意事项,包括投放救生设备时机、指挥救援艇操作要点及与船上人员协同配合方式等,充分展现应急处理的高效性、条理性与科学性。
知识漏洞弥补:面试结束后,依据面试官反馈与自身答题情况,全面梳理专业知识体系漏洞。针对航海法规理解深度不足问题,系统研读国际海事组织最新公约及国内航海法规修订条款,深入剖析典型案例强化理解;对于航海新技术应用知识短板,参加专业培训课程、研读前沿技术文献资料,深入钻研 ECDIS 智能导航技术、无人机海事应用等新兴领域知识,拓宽技术视野,提升专业知识储备广度与深度,为未来职业发展奠定坚实知识基础。
3. Do you know about Colreg 1972? How many rules are there? 你了解 1972 年国际海上避碰规则(Colreg 1972)吗?有多少条规则?
4. What is rule No.5 name? What is rule No.5 information? What is all available means? 第 5 条规则的名称是什么?第 5 条规则的内容是什么?所有可用手段是什么?
All available means are Radar, AIS, ECDIS, and VHF.
5. When you are navigating in open sea, if you see a vessel cross your ahead , CPA less than 1NM, involve to collision, what is your action do be done to avoid collision? 当你在公海航行时,如果你看到一艘船横越你船船头,最近会遇距离(CPA)小于 1 海里,有碰撞危险,你将采取什么行动来避免碰撞?
6. What is rule No.15 name? What is rule No.15 information? What is your action in crossing situation? When you see a vessel with red light on your starboard side, which action did you do? 第 15 条规则的名称是什么?第 15 条规则的内容是什么?在交叉相遇局面中你的行动是什么?当你看到右舷有一艘船显示红灯时,你会怎么做?
Rule No.15 named Crossing situation
When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel.
7. What is rule No.19 name? In restricted visibility, you are navigated in close quarter situation and the risk of collision exist, what is your action should be avoided? 第 19 条规则的名称是什么?在能见度不良的狭窄水道航行且存在碰撞危险时,应避免哪些行动?
Rule No.19 named Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility.
Action shall be avoided:
+ An alteration of course to port for vessel forwards of the beam, other than for a vessel being overtaken.
8. What do you do when vessel navigate in restricted visibility? 船舶在能见度不良时你会怎么做?
First, I will inform to Master and notice to E/R.
Second, I turn on restricted visibility signal (1 prolong blast within 2 mins).
9. What is exhibition of vessel constrain by their draft in daylight and at night time? 吃水受限的船舶在白天和夜间的号灯显示是什么?
10.What is exhibition of vessel not under command/restricted their ability to maneuver at day time / night time? 失控船舶或操纵能力受限的船舶在白天 / 夜间的号灯显示是什么?
Two all-round red lights in a vertical line at nighttime/two black balls in a vertical line at daytime, Three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen.
-Carried out testing GMDSS equipments (Navtex, Inmarsat C, MF-HF/DSC, VHF-DSC, NBDP, VHF-portable ).
-Carried out testing/checking all navigational equipment ( Radar, VHF-DSC, AIS, Steering gear, air-horn, ECDIS ).
- Steering gear test :
Turn on power, switch to hand mode then steer rudder to hard STB to P.
Test NFU mode also. => turning rate do not exceed 28 seconds.
-Carried out test Telegraph and trail main engine (ensure no cargo operation, gangway & propeller clear )
-Prepare Pilot Card and bridge is cleaned & tidy.
-Informed to Master ( Bridge equipment & engine ready, Sir )
-Completed departure / Arrival checklist.
-Record all activities to Log book.
First: I turn on steering gear powers No.1 & No.2.
Second: Switch to hand steering mode, then I steer to port 10 to starboard 10, and then turn hard port to hard.
starboard. Then check rudder indicator.
First, I need to check propeller clear.
Second, I need gangway up and clear from any objects.
First, I will set swinging circle, if vessel out of that swinging circle, I can say that anchor is dragging.
Follow the Master’s Standing Orders.
Check on your own Ship and other Ships in the Vicinity.
Check on the Ship’s position regularly.
Display Appropriate Lights at night and restricted visibility.
Constant VHF watch on local channel and channel 16 at all time.
Notice to Master/engine room when anchor is dragged.
Calculate the Swinging Circle:
Swinging Circle (M) = L.O.A + Length of anchor chain – UKC
The swinging circle might vary with the changes in tidal levels and in weather.
However, it is important to have a fair idea of the radius around which the ship might move about.
Base on swinging circle, if vessel out of this circle, we need to inform Master/Engine room immediately.
For daily test, I will carry out internal self test among equipment’s, DSC facilities test, transmit output power and display.
On/Off load test:
- Off load test: disconnect all equipment (no equipment is connected) , and see battery should read 24 V or slightly more.
- On load test: Turn off MF/HF-DSC, switch of AC power, turn on MF/HF-DSC, carry out test transmitting on MF/HF then see voltage fall more than 10% on their indicate, we need to be recharged.
For weekly test, we need to carry out DSC facilities test with coast/shore station call over 1 of 6 distress & safety frequencies (2.1875 MHz / 4.2075 MHz / 6.312 MHz / 8.4145 MHz / 12.577 MHz / 16.8045 MHz)
For monthly test: Carried out self test and external test of all GMDSS equipment (MF/HF-DSC, VHF-DSC, Inmarsat C- PV test, EPIRB, SART, LRIT, NBDP, printer, VHF-portable, Navtex…).
Check all equipment antenna, reserved batteries….
Maximum working hours a day is 14 hours.
Maximum working hours a week is 72 hours.
Using alarm system to alert the ship’s personnel in case of unwanted entry.
Additional personnel for patrolling said areas.
I will:
Check ID card, bag, items.
Asking for purpose visit.
Fill up information to visitor record book.
Give them visitor card.
Inform to duty officer/Chief mate/captain/…
Escort /accompany to designated area (ship office, Captain cabin, officer smoking room).
Ensure gangway manned at all time.
SSO is Master or chief officer as company policy.
SSP means Ship Security Plan, SSO will hold SSP.
DPA means Designated Person Ashore.
CSO means Company Security Officer.
Citadel is a room where the crew of the ship can hide in case pirate attack on the ship or when the pirates are aboard the ship.
There are 6 annexes in use and 4 annexes in proposal.
• Annex I : Pollution by oil
• Annex II: Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances
• Annex III: Pollution by Harmful Substances in Packaged Form
• Annex IV: Pollution by Sewage from Ships
• Annex V: Pollution by Garbage from Ships
New proposed MARPOL annexes are
Annex VII: International conventions for preventing pollution from ships by ballast water.
Annex VIII: Regulation for prevention of pollution by antifouling paints from ships.
Annex IX: Regulation for prevention of pollution by noise from the Ship.
E-waste (DVD, computer, CD, hard drive, speaker, cell phone, battery…)
3.Yes, we can but we need to follow disposal requirement.
Food waste (Ground/comminuted) : Dispose > 12NM within Special area, Dispose >3NM outside special area.
1. All survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances inspected to ensure that they are ready for immediate use.
2. Lifeboat and rescue boat engines run ahead and astern.
3. General Alarm and Public Address Systems tested.
As weekly inspection and testing, I carry out check all lifeboat hulls, tools, reflective tape, equipment’s, steering….then carry out testing lifeboat engine more than 3 minutes, if weather is good, I will turn out from theirstowage position.
Abandon ship alarm is 7 shorts and 1 long blast on ship whistle and internal alarm system.
What does SQUAT means?
Reduction of under keel clearance caused by ship’s movement through the water.
Squat varies directly with breadth (doubling breadth doubles squat).
Squat varies by the square of speed (doubling speed quadruples squat).
Squat can be doubled when meeting another ship.
Large block hull : Cb > 0.7
Fine block hull : Cb < 0.7
1.UKC stands for Under Keel Clearance.
2.Factors Affecting UKC: Tidal Variations,Vessel's Draft, Squat Effect, Seabed Contour and Obstructions, List and Trim of the Vessel.
3. How to calculate UKC?
A. Base on charted deep
B. Current draft
D. Tide
E. Water density
My last company alcohol policy is zero alcohol.
I will:
First: Assist to chief officer for cargo, ballast loading/discharging sequences.
Second: Follow gangway watch procedure and ensure safe security, round patrol regularly.
1.Sequential: In this method the ballast tanks are emptied until the ballast pumps lose suction and then the tanks are further stripped by eductor systems. This is followed by taking fresh ballast into the tank.
2.Flow through method: In this method water in pumped into the tank and to allow it to overflow through the air vent or dedicated overflow vents. Three times the volume of the tank is to be pumped through to get a 95 percent efficiency of exchange.
I will record:
If requirement of port authority or company, we need to additional other information such as gangway down, time of vessel to buoy No., last buoy passing….
There are 6 types of mooring line on board
They are:
Forward: Headline / fore breast line / fore spring line
Yes, I have.
Before arrival/departure, we have to prepare it.
They contain as follow:
Port name / Date / time / draft / cargo / ballast condition.
ROB of fresh water, FO, DO, LO.
Time of pilot embarkation/disembarkation
1. Press M.O.B button on GPS
2. Call master and raise alarm
3. Steering to Man overboard to avoid propeller contact to crew
1. Call master / C.O immediately.
2. Call Forman / Stevedore and notice to crew/officers.
3. Trying to stop loading/discharging if possible to avoid further damage .
4. Take picture and record time incident to cargo operation log book.
2. I experienced PSC inspection in Australia (AMSA, China PCS, Indonesia PSC, US coastguard…)
1. Yes,
2. I experienced PSC inspection in Australia (AMSA, China PCS, Indonesia PSC, US coastguard…)
3. Check LSA, FFE, Lifeboat engine, food ration, fireman outfit, check drill, check SCB low pressure alarm, launching lifeboat….
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