英 [ˈpriːæmbl] 美 [ˈpriːæmbl]
The introductory part of a statute, deed, or other similar document, stating its purpose, aims, and justification.
序言;导言 宪法或法律、法规的起初部分,说明立法的缘由和所要达到的目的。序言有助于解释法规的含糊之处。
Preamble of contract 合同序言
In addition, although there is no officially correct form, treaties generally comprise four parts: the title, the preamble, the main body, and the final part.
The preamble stressed that “all persons are equal before the law,” and forbade discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, and other factors.
序言中强调"法律面前人人平等",并且禁止基于种族、肤色、性别、宗教等原因的 歧视。
Catherine's instructions were based on the equality of all people, a concept soon to appear in the Preamble to the United States' Constitution.