Alfred Denker, Lecture about Heidegger and Technology, Nov. 30th

文摘   2022-11-20 13:04   新加坡  

Dear Friends, there will be a lecture by the famous Heidegger-scholar and director of the Heidegger-Archiv Dr. Alfred Denker. He will talk about Heidegger+Technology. The language of the lecture will be: English. You can ask questions about anything Heidegger related in English, Chinese, and in German (and even in Spanish or in Dutch).

The Lecture is free to the Public. Everyone can listen and ask questions. We will share the Zoom-Link to the Lecture soon, or you can send an email to to register and to get the link.

When: Wednesday, November 30th, 7-9pm (北京时间)
Where: Zoom, Online-Lecture
How do I get the link? Send an Email to or wait for us to share the link to the zoom-lecture.
What: Alfred Denker will talk about Heidegger+Technology. He will focus on recent developments in our technological world like Computers, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Social Media - but all of that within the framework of Heidegger's Philosophy.

Who: Dr. Alfred Denker is the Director of the Heidegger-Archiv in Meßkirch and the Archivo-Heidegger in Sevilla, Spain. He is also the founder of the Spanish "Centro des Estudios Heideggerianos" and of "A Place for Another Kind of Thinking and Dwelling" - where students of Heidegger and Philosophy can go and enjoy a designated space for their own studies. He is one of the most prominent and important Heidegger-Scholars - and also someone who lives and "verkörpert" Heidegger's way of thinking. He is a great teacher, a serious scholar, and one of the most knowledgable Heidegger-experts alive.

Alfred Denker is the Co-Editor of the Heidegger-Jahrbuch and the Martin-Heidegger-Briefausgabe (Heidegger's Correspondence). He published 无数的论文,an excellent book about Being and Time (Unterwegs in Sein und Zeit, which we are planning to translate into Chinese), a Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's Philosophy, and he is working on a extensive Heidegger-Biography that will be published in the German Klett-Cotta Verlag.

Please come if you are interested in Heidegger and in learning more about Heidegger's perspective on Technology.

This Lecture is organized and hosted by the "Center for Western and Eastern Hermeneutics" at the Hunan-University. We are thanking the China PostDoc Science Foundation for sponsoring this event.

Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik auf Deutsch, Englisch und Chinesisch. 西方哲学文论(现象学与阐释学)中文|德文|英文